grateful. grateful. grateful.
- TEAL (the color)
- pretty nails
- anja and pam's kindness (though pam says mainly anja's)
- video chats with nick (and all the silly things he and emma can find to do)
- ground coffee from grandaddy (in a very creative container)
- a taylor made delightful evening (chocolate chip cookies + pizza + a walk in the neighborhood)
- so much exercise for the older 2 cash kids - climbing at treadstone, ultimate, hours of floor hockey, walking in the woods
- journal upon journal + a few bibles that SCREAM of God's Great Faithfulness to me through the decades
- "don't apologize for being you, that's not allowed around here." - annie f downs
- songs playing at columbus park crossing (including sweet caroline and africa)
- "this thing moves at alarming speeds." - eli, speaking of zoe
- one sweet sister helping another "climb"
- talking to lane on his birthday - i wish everyone in the world could have a brother that believes in them the way my brother believes in me.
- strawberry lime smoothie (thanks for the coupon, money mailer!)
- william's help with the flat tire (that makes #4 in about as many weeks)(?!?)
- solo picnic at heath park
- coffee + biscotti + our wednesday afternoon routine with lovely friends
- when the cherry coke tastes JUST RIGHT.
- expedited shipping upgrade
- when the car dings with a good message
- "you're not too young to make covenants with God about your future." - p mike
- having a trusted mechanic in tim butterfield at sheffield's
- emma's consistent "can i help you carry anything?" question as we're getting in/out of the car
- midtown coffee's rawandan chiller with the life-giving barbara cummings