24 November 2016

thanksgiving...everybody's doing it.

  • meeting/listening to dr. benjamin
  • fun.peaceful.sort of productive shift in reception
  • treats & gifts galore all throughout the shift
  • ornaments for the crew that are very nearly complete

  • fun fun fun frisbee (wish it was as much fun to lose as it is to win)(still working on that)
  • jo ann/s kindness in the dining room...her thoughfulness to save fruit for families, the way she happily serves, her willingness to go above and beyond with my honey bottle request...
  • "love over hate...i'm here for dat.  real over fake...i'm here for dat." - song from the relevant podcast
  •  podcast listening runs and a perfectly framed sunrise to enjoy

  • the shutterfly album i had poured hours into is not actually missing (the website was just not working properly due to the high traffic that the amazing sale brought to it)
  • shutterfly order is done!!  (including free shipping thanks to a code that i guessed at)
  • favorite favorite playlist
  • epic nerf battle on the dock 

  • purple needle tip pen .7 
  • seeing the pictures of the hall family together in korea
  • day crew david's thoughtfulness to bring us "that thing you do"
  • josh and katie...and time with them

  • tastes of gelato.  just enough. 
  • thanksgiving.  love the thought of so many intentionally giving thanks (though this is the hardest thursday of the year to post my blog...almost seems too cliche)
  • sweet treat to start my wednesday (cake for breakfast is always a good life choice)
  • dinner and worship/dancing on the dock.  so refreshing. 

  •  40+ minutes of skyping with molly
  • laughing about "let 'em hear"
  • successful cooking making (and eating)
  • time with this precious girl and her mama

  • meaningful conversations - especially spur of the moment ones
  • a principal who is willing to ask for questions
  • figuring out solutions
  • working on the world with nick

17 November 2016

keep on counting the gifts.

  • nap on the dock at babs
  • "mi casa es su casa" shirt (and praying for the adoption of a family that i don't even know)
  • good reminders

  • successful trip to the fabric market for emma to pick out her birthday dress fabric
  • box cutters that make projects so much easier
  • working as a team on ornaments for our crew (big work in progress)

  • peace in the midst of heartache
  • continuing to learn how to best communicate and care for nick
  • free dental care (with Carly -a girl from Columbus!- assisting)

  • cheese naan, butter chicken and rice to celebrate josh
  • meeting/sharing dinner with/listening to dr. benjamin
  • emma's sweet friendship with aaron (i love it when she wears the jersey he gave her)

11 November 2016

5 minutes on the word of the week: passion

The Marvelous Molly gave me two word options well over a month ago: passion or regret.  I didn't know what I would write about either (which is kind of the point of this little writing exercise....don't think, just write.  Or as Andy Dwyer says "don't think.  just stupid.")  So then I just didn't write. #regret  But this morning I have the time and space to write...so I'm gonna go with.....
Justine snapped this picture Tuesday night:
It may not look like a picture full of passion...it's a whole lot more parking lot than passion....but it's actually got passion written all over it.  This is us...heading out for a date.  Nothing fancy.  Nothing earth shattering or remarkable - except that it is remarkable.  I love the man I'm married to.  And, while I'm not sure that should actually be categorized as remarkable, I think it IS remarkable.  

We love our marriage...and date night has been a constant part of our marriage - even before we had kids.  We need date night.  I'd even go so far as to say we are passionate about date night.  The time to connect - and reconnect - with one another is essential in our friendship and in our passion.

Need more passion in your marriage?  Go on a date.

So much more could (and should!) be said on this subject...but my 5 minutes is long gone.

10 November 2016

psalm 138:1 "Lord, with all my heart i thank You."

  • so.much. birthday love
  • realizing that my "birthday wish/hope/prayer" from last year came true!
  • morning after birthday cake
  • fresh perspective (from reading "I Will Always Write Back")
  • a life lived (even at the cost of an unkept -at times- cabin)

  • looking up words and finding that unkept and unkempt are pretty much the same thing
  • caroline's pancake making skillz
  • watching "that thing you do"
  • seeing the fruit of obedience (why oh why am i not quicker to obey?!)
  • this recipe:

  • that moment when you realize that you didn't get credit for something and it's really ok
  • bookcase sharing
  • knowing an amazing retreat has been planned for the JHHS students
  • "who we are and how we engage with the world are much stronger predictors of how our children will do than what we know about parenting." - brene brown, daring greatly
  • a friend who walks in with a tiny cup and says "trust me...drink this."  (and who gives me the remainder of the bottle)

  • "give me a heart that doesn't want anything more than to worship you."  psalm 86:11(b)
  • "as He stands in victory, sin's curse has lost its grip on me."
  • worship/extended worship 
  • speakers who stick to their allotted time
  • popcorn making success (no burns or pots of popcorn on the floor...which was a very real possibility a number of times in the process)
  • the wells have made it to bulgaria

03 November 2016

thankful for more than just food.

  • regular phone calls with beth
  • a room full of ladies worshiping
  • priscilla shirer's teaching
  • "dad jokes" (puns)
  • brownies!!!!!

  • the retreat all came together
  • chicken fingers & fries
  • 125+ women gathered together to hear from God
  • hearing how one lady heard God's voice for the first time
  • scones...hot, fresh, delicious scones (in a wire basket to boot!)

  • sunday runs with alison (and guest runners for the last part)
  • 10 minute end of retreat clean up (many hands really do make lite work!)
  • shea's tea - small gesture that was really really special and impactful
  • no washers overflowed in my laundry experience tuesday (though one totally did in my experience today...but bubbles aren't so hard to clean up after all)
  • the way nick and the kids had the cabin so neat and straight at the end of saturday
  • delightful monday night dinner and mini-driving lesson with a treasured friend

  • getting to share monday during mom's community group
  • lunch time movie (and nap)
  • the other kids' boxes from yaya and grandaddy arrived
  • the best pain au chocolat yet 
  • caroline's thoughts and writing