19 January 2012


  • being home!
  • knowing that home is more about the 5 of us being together than it is a physical location
  • eli saying "you better just get used to losing" (in the kindest of ways) as we began to play chess
  • i played chess!
  • caroline & eli's reaction to my tears (my children ministered to me....i was amazed...and blessed)
  • emma sitting in her little rocking chair rocking her doll
  • pretty pink fingernails painted by caroline
  • another great coffee date with a beautiful lady who loves her Lord.
  • the phrase "not rehearsing worry"
  • my quilt (still very thankful that my mom was willing to make me a quilt instead of an afghan...her afghans are lovely....but i really like my quilt!)
  • that it "cleaned up quicker than i thought" - that's always nice
  • the lesley family of THREE!!!!!!!
  • knowing that sometime i WILL blog more than "just" thankful thursday lists. sometime.