25 August 2011

thankful thursday...and it's really thursday!!!

  • 6:57 am cherry coke thirst buster (and i'm a little proud that this is the first one i've had this week)
  • kind words from the heart of the Father spoken through sweet and special sisters (the word "undeserving" comes to mind...)
  • sweet time at CFA with a fabulous friend yesterday morning
  • the peaceful way emma went to sleep last night. she's generally a pretty good "go-er to bed"...last night was just especially easy.
  • sweet nothings. ha. can't really explain that on this blog...but if you want to know just ask (it's not dirty...just on the personal side...i won't submit all my faithful readers to all the details)(i'm laughing at the "all my faithful readers" part...i think there are about 2 of you!)
  • that the long grain and wild rice/corn/sausage/onions dish always seems to turn out delicious...even though i doubt it the entire time it's in process (thanks uncle jonathan and katie for sharing the recipe at the beach last year)
  • eli's help with dinner last night. that boy really helped with the cutting and seasoning and putting in the pan. and didn't even come close to losing a finger!!
  • putting my iron to good use...and that would NOT be on clothes.
  • clean sheets. oh my. how do i always forget how wonderful they feel and smell?? (am i telling on myself? i don't wash the sheets very often)(but far more often than the once a semester that i washed them in college)
  • crave. ihop. jesus calling. good music. along with His word, those are the things God is using to feed my soul these days.