fun facts & other random stuff

Current-ish Fun Facts/Statistics/Tally Marks:
  • Never have I ever eaten at Long John Silver's (does it even still exist?)
  • If you're reading this, I'd love for you to email me and let me know
  • I really like my teenagers (my other kids, too...but something feels special about liking my teenagers...I guess because the world says they aren't so likeable.  I disagree.)
  • My children have 2 different mothers (and 2 different fathers)
  • I enjoy dating the father of my children (weekly date night since 2002.  I highly recommend date night)
  • I am not currently keeping a tally of anything.  I do however number the items on my thankful list (the things that get posted each Thursday).  Most recent count: 10,255
Old Fun Facts/Statistics/Tally Marks (from our time on the AFM):
  • Number of Fire Drills we've had on the ship (to date: September 15, 2016):  93
  • Number of fires we've had on the ship: none (that i know of) ummmm...
  • A favorite quote (from Captain Tim the morning we were sailing into Guinea): "as scheduled, there are delays."
Other pointless things: 
  • I like blue. and green.
  • There are 118 ridges in the outer edge of an American dime.
  • I'm a pretty terrible joke teller.  But I tell them anyway.
  • Favorite meal chicken fingers & fries (imagine that) i eat like a 3rd grader. 
This is my personal blog. The opinions I express here do not necessarily represent those of Mercy Ships that we used to volunteer for or any particular church or organization. The information I provide is on an as-is basis. I make no representation as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this blog and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its use.  I write out of obedience...and for enjoyment....may you read for the same reasons.