20 July 2011

we're having a baby....

...tomorrow! (well, now it's so late that it's today!!!)

i can already tell you this blog entry isn't going to do this situation justice. oh well. A for effort.

i don't even know quite where to start -- i haven't been doing the best of jobs keeping everyone updated on our adoption process because there hasn't been anything to share! (at least not anything that seemed like "much"). we haven't heard anything for months...we've been checking in with our lady at bethany - and kept hearing "no child or children yet, keep being patient." so we have been patient (for the most part) -- unsure of the wait, not understanding the wait....but trusting that we were waiting with God (not waiting on God to work - knowing that He was already at work!) in this adoption....and just wanting to wait well and trust God's timing (some days that was easier than others).

late this afternoon there was a call from bethany...."there's a little boy, 2 days old, african american, healthy, will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, foster to adopt situation....are you interested?" YES PLEASE!!! but wait...nick is in costa rica.

i was thinking yes....the kids and i prayed and asked God "is this little boy the one for us?" and each one heard "yes." (even emma nodded her head when i asked...but she nods her head at most everything....though she certainly doesn't nod when she knows her answer is no....). and thank you, God, for technology! nick and i were able to connect and talk...he was thinking yes.

so i called the bethany lady back (don't you love that i call her "the bethany lady") and told her we would love to welcome this baby into our family. she said that someone will call me in the morning and give me further instructions/details about where to go and what to do. that's all i know!

(side note: all of this was right before and in the midst of community group....i am beyond thankful for the love and encouragement and support and prayers of my brothers and sisters. amazing.)

little baby clothes are in the washing machine....a dear friend went to wal-mart for diapers and formula and bottles and such...the pack and play is set up and ready...my heart is beating fast.

in case you were wondering, nick is going to stay in costa rica and finish out that trip....one of the only reasons i am ok with that (and encouraged him to do that) is because of the love and support and HELP that is available to me (can i just give a huge "community groups are AWESOME" shout out?! community in general is absolutely wonderful....good idea, God!...and i am wonderfully surrounded by amazing community - in my group and outside of it, too!).

i am in AWE of God's timing....marveling at His faithfulness...looking forward to meeting our son tomorrow. not sure how it's all going to play out...but God is with us and He's the one making this happen - not us. will you please pray for us?

"...(we) named him Samuel, saying, “Because (we) asked the LORD for him.”Samuel 1:20