04 June 2011

48 + 48 = 100??

for those of you who are super prone to pay attention to detail, you may have noticed that in the "archives" there are 48 entries for 2010 and 48 entries so far for 2011...that totals 96....not 100 (so why the "100th blog post?!"). BUT there are 4 posts that i've written that i haven't posted (posts in hiding!)...so 48 + 48 + 4 = 100! want to know what the unpublished posts are?

1- some more thoughts about the little boy that drowned here in columbus (an answer of sorts as to why it affected me the way it did)(random fact: i do not know how to properly use effect and affect)

2- a post entitled "facebook does not define me" :)

3- a particular tough "amy q" (about complete freedom and God's desire for us...i've answered it...but i don't know that it's necessarily complete)

4- the original list of "amy q's" (well, the entry is just the q's that are left to be answered...as i answered them i took them off the list....)(so that one won't ever be posted...)(it's my reminder to answer them! i need to finish answering them....)

just wanted to clear that up. i know you were all losing sleep over the fact that the numbers weren't adding up. rest easy. case solved. happy sleeping.