03 October 2014

5 minutes on the word of the week: servant (hearted)...

Servant (hearted)
It’s one of the things I long to be…but so often fall short. 

Thinking of others first.  Putting the needs of those that God has entrusted me with before my own.  Seeking to serve rather than to be served.  Giving even when no “thank you” is said.  Cleaning with a cheerful heart for the bazillioneth time – knowing that tomorrow I’ll be doing it again for the bazillioneth and 1th time.  Loving regardless of the return.  Serving with a heart that has pure motives.  Dying to self and selfishness (oh how I despise my selfishness).  Doing whatever it is that I’m doing unto the Lord and not for men (or children)(or approval)…

Serving with all that I’ve got, knowing that there is One who sees – and One who is pleased.  And That One is happy to sing over me while I clean dishes and wash laundry and clean up messes (of all kinds) - if only I could tune my ear to hear His songs more often.  

And That One is The One who has set the greatest example of being a servant (while being The One that should be served most)…