25 October 2014

5 minutes on the word of the week: Fresh

Fresh is one of my favorites.  Fresh laundry. Fresh sheets. Fresh strawberries.  Fresh fruit of most any variety.  Fresh ideas. Fresh strength. 

Fresh: clean, new…not old and worn out. 

Sunrises. Clean clothes & towels. The beach before anyone has walked on it.

I think my favorite “fresh” is the mercies that God gives us new every morning.  Sometimes I want to go to bed just so I can wake up to His fresh mercies.  Now, before you think anything about that being “such a sweet thought,” you’ve got to know that usually I just want to go to bed to escape the wretchedness of myself.  For whatever reason I’m tired of me, of my attitude, of my selfishness, of my sin…and I just want to end the day and start fresh the next morning. 

And great is His faithfulness – morning by morning, new mercies I see.  He is so faithful (and so kind that we don’t really have to even wait until the next morning to receive our new mercies and our fresh start!).

Fresh starts…again and again and again.  So much grace.  So much love. So much forgiveness and kindness and compassion.  I want to be more like Him.