17 October 2014

5 minutes on the word of the week: wait

Just reading the word made my eyes well up with tears.  What in the world is that about? 

I hear myself saying it to my children “Wait, please.” …  “WAIT.” …  “WAIT!!” “Wait for your turn.”  “Wait for me to get done with this and I’ll give you my full attention.” “WAIT! There’s a car coming…you cannot cross the street right now.”  “Wait for me at the corner…I’ll catch up.”  “Wait just a second.  I’ll be right with you.” 

And I hear the littlest one’s voice saying (sometimes sweetly, sometimes in the most demanding of ways), “Wait for me, Mama.” 

Wait.  But I don’t want to wait (and I doubt that my children really want to wait either).  I want what I want and I usually want it right about…um…now. 

We’ve talked a lot about waiting here on the Africa Mercy.  Waiting on what’s next. Waiting to know where we're going. Waiting to sail.  Waiting, knowing that nothing is wasted in our God’s plans.  Waiting…yet not idle.  Waiting, knowing that whatever is coming MUST be worth the wait. 

And trusting that what Isaiah writes (and Chris Tomlin sings) is True – strength WILL rise as we wait on the Lord.  We will get stronger as we wait for Him.  Waiting = increased strength.  I need more strength…if waiting is what it takes, bring it on -- but I’d definitely still like to have something to do while I wait.  At some point I realized that I didn’t have to rely solely on the magazines in the doctor’s office to pass the time while I waited – I started bringing notes to write or a book to read – and the wait became quite enjoyable…even something I looked forward to. 

Waiting doesn’t have to be wasting.  It can just be another way to make the most of every opportunity.  May we wait well… 

Beyond the 5 minutes: 
Other avenues I didn’t explore: “why wait” “waiting games” “waiting on others” (as in serving others…or waiting on them when they are running late…) "the best things come to those who wait"