19 May 2011

shepherding image bearers of the Creator God - sacred parenting

I’m not sure I’ve ever really blogged about how much I love and appreciate the book “Sacred Parenting”(I think I’ve shared some quotes from it before) – I do believe it is my FAVORITE parenting book thus far….not because it gives step by step instructions (‘cause it doesn’t) and not because it gives lots of practical tips and advice (‘cause it doesn’t) (and typically those are 2 requirements of a really good parenting book!) – it’s my favorite because it’s real and honest and raw…and it talks about parenting being HARD and how you get angry sometimes….and how it’s frustrating…and it talks about how it is HOLY…and it is a part of God’s work in our lives…and it talks about parenting has a form of honoring our Perfect Father (and because He is perfect we don’t have to be!).

I can already tell that this blog entry really isn’t doing the book justice…and that’s ok – just read it if you’re interested in a really good parenting book!!

I tried to buy Sacred Parenting a few weeks ago – a copy for me and a copy for one of my very best friends in the whole world! And, now for the 2nd time, I ordered the wrong thing from ebay (or half.com or somewhere) (the other time I ordered the wrong book for nick at Christmas – I got a commentary on The Cost of Discipleship rather than the actual book). This time I ordered the “participant’s guide” to Sacred Parenting - who knows, maybe one day it will come in handy. Here are some of my favorite quotes from the participant’s guide (the book is so good that even the guide that’s meant to go along with dvd’s - that I don’t have - is helpful stuff…!)(I think some of these quotes may have been in the book, too)

“whatever stage of life you find yourself in, each season provides spiritual blessings and benefits that many Christians remain unaware of. It’s my belief that family life is one of the most spiritually formative experiences in all of human existence.”

“the “earthy” process of changing diapers, educating toddlers, and raising teens is actually a sacred enterprise and a continual act of worship.”

“…we believe you are a God of providence, and whether we gave birth to these children or welcomed them through adoption, we trust that you knew what you were doing when you called us to become our children’s parents.”

“honestly embracing our historical insignificance will free us up to focus on relationships and eternal significance…”

“in God’s delightful irony, embracing your temporal insignificance leads to the greatest eternal significance.”

“having children is humble acceptance of our own limitations.”

“it takes tremendous courage to undergo a task that you know will reveal your limitations, weak spots in your character, and occasional lapses of wisdom…”

“we are not raising robots; we are shepherding image bearers of the Creator God who live with the freedom of choice, their own wills, and a personal responsibility of their own. It seems to me that we tend to take too much credit for kids who turn our good, and too much blame for kids who turn out bad.” (this is one of my favorites!)

“it’s particularly brilliant on God’s part to school us in the art of sacrifice by giving us children whom we love so much – and who require so much sacrifice to raise.”

“…give God pleasure today….love his children.”

“…pause for a moment to bask in God’s great affirmation.”

i dare you to do that last one - pause for a moment to bask in God's great affirmation. He loves you SO MUCH. He's so glad He made YOU. He is delighted - DELIGHTED!! - in you. He thinks you are doing a great job!!! He is so pleased with you. Bask in His opinion of you...but be careful...that much love and acceptance can bring one to tears.