25 October 2011


Freedom…what a word. Does anyone remember back a few years ago when someone (or some organization or some something…??) made a push for Americans to stop using the word “French” and replace it with “Freedom” (were we mad at the French? idk). So, instead of French Toast, it was to be “freedom toast”…and no more “French Fries”, let’s call them “freedom fries”….and I can’t think of any other examples at the moment…but my brother really took to that concept….especially in the area of “french fries” – he still calls them freedom fries sometimes (is he mad at the French? I’ll have to ask him). Makes me laugh. I most certainly digress….back to the point….

Freedom…what a word! A word I love…a word I treasure…a word I certainly appreciate - but not nearly as much as some. I’m thinking of soldiers and slaves…thinking of those who have fought for freedom...thinking of those who have been imprisoned literally and/or figuratively…just thinking that I love the word – but I don’t truly grasp it! But I want to! I want to live in God’s perfect freedom….a slave only to Him – I do believe that is perfect freedom.

All that to say, God’s been showing me more and more about the concept of freedom…taking me to deeper places with Him in the realm of freedom…helping me to live in the freedom that He has set me free to live in!

At Crave the other day we read the day’s excerpt from “Jesus Calling” (October 12)….part of it said “it’s nearly impossible to discern what others actually think of you.” From that line – and the thoughts that God shared with me after that - He has produced much freedom for my soul! After I read that I thought, “But it’s NOT impossible to discern what God thinks of you!! We can just ask Him!” We can approach our Faithful Father and ask “God, what are your thoughts towards me? What do you think of me? Who do you say that I am? What do you like about me?” (try it...see what happens….)(if you ever want to talk about listening to God, I’d love to…it’s one of my most favorite things to do! A sweet journey that God’s been allowing me to take with Him…He’s so good…so full of undeserved gifts and grace.)

More thoughts that followed that day at crave:
--We can worship freely because it doesn’t matter what anyone else says or thinks – only what He says and thinks!
--We can wear the same clothes over and over and over again because it doesn’t matter what anyone else says or thinks – only what He says and thinks!
--We can DO whatever it is that God wants us to do because IT DOES NOT MATTER what anyone else says or thinks – only what He says and thinks!

There is so much freedom set out for us…

But so many of us are so bound up and tied up by the opinions of others - maybe even in our opinion of ourselves! Opinions that are irrelevant!

These next few thoughts are from Galatians 5 (or are thoughts that were prompted by Galatians 5) (I highly recommend reading it if you get a chance)(reading it from The Message version was helpful to me on this particular day).

“He has set us free to live a free life – not with a harness of slavery.” Why are we so quick to exchange our freedom for slavery? To exchange the opinion of The One that matters for the opinions of man.

“The moment we submit to any of the world’s rules, Christ’s hard won gift is squandered…we trade all the advantages of the free life in Christ for the obligations of the slave life.” Why would we do that?! Why would we squander His gift – why would we waste His love and sacrifice…and for slavery??? That doesn’t make any sense! Why do we do it?!

“Live freely…animated and motivated by God’s spirit…then you won’t feed the compulsions of selfishness.” Maybe it’s selfishness that’s at the root of pleasing man…wanting to be accepted…wanting to be loved…wanting to be admired (the Truth is that we’re already all of those things – accepted, loved, admired by the One who accepts, loves and admires perfectly).

So whether high or low, good or bad…the opinions of others DO NOT MATTER…and my opinions of myself DO NOT MATTER…AND, our opinions of others DO NOT MATTER…His opinion matters.

These thoughts that God shared with me a couple of Wednesdays ago have really lead me to a new place of freedom in Him and in who I am in Him - a new layer of the "freedom onion" (not to be confused with french onion)(sorry, I couldn't resist) has been peeled back! I am so grateful! There’s still much work to be done….honestly, I want to get to the place where I never even consider the opinions of others - a place where I live ONLY for an Audience of One - that seems a bit impossible….but God speaks directly to things that seem impossible saying that with Him they ARE possible. I’ll just keep seeking Him…spending time with Him…listening to His opinion…only seeking to please the One who has already told me that He’s pleased with me. (By the way, He’s pleased with you, too.)

God will you help us have your opinion of ourselves and of others...your opinion is the only one that matters. We want to walk in your freedom….run, dance, laugh, live, BE in your freedom.