31 December 2010

candy dilema and end of the year list.

my candy cabinet is full of all of my favorites (ok…it’s not a WHOLE cabinet completely dedicated to candy…just a section….)….there are hot tamales, chocolate covered expresso beans, toblerone, dove chocolate, haribo gummi bears, a take five, junior mints…. i’m in a place of tension – i want it to last as long as possible and i also want to eat it all right now. it's a dilema...a conundrum (i just wanted to use the word conundrum)

i’m so thankful for days that are compatible for catching up – days where the time is there and the motivation is there (earlier this week I was having motivation issues). i caught up on 4 journals today! Christmas journal + all 3 kids’ journals!

i can’t help but reflect as 2010 comes to an end. thus, a list….

ten things that didn’t happen this year (things that either really don’t matter/are just random observations – the first few – or things that I’m super thankful didn’t happen – the last few)(and i didn't intend for it to be 10...i just wrote what came to mind...and when i counted it ended up being 10!):

  • the UGA flag didn't get hung up.
  • there were no candles in our windows during December.
  • the McMichael family didn’t go to St. Simons (but DID go to Myrtle Beach!)
  • i didn’t see my mom at Christmas (she was sick).
  • i wasn’t pregnant (that’s the first year that’s happened since 2003)
  • none of our kids had major illnesses (and really not even many minor illnesses).
  • there was no reason to get in touch with our car insurance company (no wrecks, no tickets, etc.)
  • there were no positive test results (or negative results when a positive was needed!)
  • no significant deaths (of course there were deaths and they were significant – but no one particularly close to us…hope that doesn’t sound offensive…)
  • we didn’t have to pay big bucks (close to $3000) to have our car fixed – we happened to have coverage through Ford with a $100 deductible (God did that).

that is a hard list to make…i can’t even comprehend all that didn’t happen in 2010…it’s incredible to think of all the heartache and hardship and hurt that God saves us from…i thought about making a list of all that DID happen this year – but i’m not sure i can wrap my mind around that one either…at least not tonite. i do know that God is faithful. He is good. He is enough. 2010 was a year of experiencing that…

AND – EXCITING NEWS!!! i figured out why the post time was wrong….it was set for Pacific Time! it SHOULD be correct now…not sure why blogspot/blogger/whatever you call it chose Pacific as the default time (and i just noticed that it changed the time on all my other blog entries….so now my random time posts aren’t going to make sense. oh well!). we can all rest easier now, i'm sure.

seems like more people than usual have made mention of being excited about 2011 'cause "it's going to be a great year"...may it be so! (seems like alot of the time we get what we expect...i'm excited that so many around me are expecting great things in 2011!)

22 December 2010

christmas thoughts.

so i have these thoughts about Christmas....but i haven't really ever put them down in writing....but now that i have a "place" to put them down in writing, here goes...

my main thought is that Christmas points to Jesus whether people realize it or not. of course, there's the obvious - it really is a celebration because Jesus was born. so whether people acknowledge the fact or not isn't altogether relevant....they are still celebrating Him. also, in alot of ways, people treat others with more kindness and love and christ-like ness during the Christmas season as compared to the "rest of the year." so good is happening on earth - and every good and perfect gift can be traced back to God...so, again, whether it is a conscious effort to honor God and whether or not He gets the credit isn't altogether relevant. the fruit of the spirit - His spirit - is more alive and recognizable during December (or so it seems to me!).

my other main thought is that we live at Christmastime how i think we might should be living all year round. i'm not talking about the hustle and bustle or the "stressful schedule"....not talking about the spending too much money on stuff that people don't really need - or giving simply for giving's sake....not talking about the stress that so many place upon themselves and their family....

i'm talking about the get togethers and celebrations and parties that foster community. i'm talking about our homes being more lit up (and more welcoming!). i'm talking about old traditions being carried out and new traditions being established. i'm talking about music and singing - there's a whole genre of music dedicated to this season....songs that bring people together and so many songs that honor God in a terrific way. i'm talking about giving....(again, not the americanized commercialized ughh giving that categorizes the average person's christmas) -- the thinking of others and being generous and wanting to bless them giving. and mail!! oh the mail!! getting the mail in december is definitely in my list of top 10 favorite things to do. i love seeing pictures of families that God has knit together...i love reading the Christmas updates and hearing what God is up to in the lives of my family and friends. somehow the body of Christ seems more unified through the sending and receiving of christmas cards!! (and then it's a neat way to pray for everyone throughout the year as we have them in a basket in our dining room and rotate through them, praying for each family for a few days....maybe that's where the feeling of being more unified really comes in...).

so now that i'm writing this stuff down i feel like it's been much better in my head the past few years...and i'm tempted to leave it there. oh well. tis the season to be vulnerable and real. always.

i'm praying that the Christmas season will last a lot longer in the cash house this year....praying that we'll be as intentional from january to november as we have been this december. praying that our home would be welcoming....our giving generous....our singing joyful....our lives focused on Him...

21 December 2010


per the request of a few...i've reinstated the "followers" little box thingy on here. just cause i think that will make it easier for folks since i don't blog on a "regular" basis....it'll keep you from coming to read only to be sorely disappointed because i haven't posted anything. :)

so...really? you really like me and what i'm writing enough to "follow" my blog? what an honor. thank you.

maybe someday i'll reinstate the "comments" option. maybe.

it's 9:44 am.

15 December 2010

wanted to make a list...5 favorite date night ideas

1st one is as inexpensive or expensive as you want it to be (dollar movie & dollar menu = cheap; "real movie" & fancy restaurant = not so inexpensive). bottom 3 are free.

  • the classic dinner and a movie.
  • a twist on the classic - progressive dinner (appetizer one place, meal one place, dessert one place)(but not all places that require a tip....) & redbox movie (for example last week we had wendy's new sea salt fries, accompanied with a thirst buster from the spectrum - btw - the spectrum on wynnton road has an AMAZING drink selection these days...complete with cherry coke....then we went to the mall and shared chinese - still working on the thirst buster.....then we went to chic-fil-a and got a brownie and icecream with coupons....then got a movie for $1...). total cost of date: less than $10
  • go for a walk. just walk and walk and walk and talk and talk and talk.
  • take a game to a public place and play it (checkers at the riverwalk, guess who at barnes & noble, scattergories at golden doughnuts, etc.)
  • go to the children's section of the library or a bookstore, both pick a book, read to one another

post time: 2:12

this week's favorite quotes

"Lord, help me to understand, appreciate and marvel at this incredible creation you have loaned me."

from an article by max lucado "giving our kids to God":
"before they were yours, they were His. even as they are yours, they are still His."

"we can be loyal advocates, stubborn intercessors. we can take our parenting fears to Christ. in fact, if we don't, we'll take our fears out on our kids."

"prayer is the saucer into which parental fears are poured to cool. Jesus says so little about parenting - no comments about spanking, breastfeeding, sibling rivalry or schooling. yet His actions speak volumes about prayer. each time a parent prays, Christ responds. His key message to moms and dads? bring your children to Me."

from some articles on adoption:
"adoption is a process of falling in love, and falling in love is beautiful and difficult"

"...i'm dealing not so much with defiance in need of discipline but pain in need of healing."

"...begin creating space for (coming child) in our lives through conversations, stories, pictures and prayer."

"we couldn't offer perfection but we could offer a home."

post time: 1:56pm

06 December 2010

a good read (at least it was for me)

i thought this was a very good article. worth sharing.

How To Deal with Child Temper Tantrums

in other news: somehow i think that eating hot tamales makes me warmer

one other random quote that i heard today that i like: "if you're handed it, you can handle it" (of course, my thought is that God is the One doing the handing...and ultimately He's the one doing the handling by giving us all that we need for handling).

the post time may say 2:49...really it's 5:51.

03 December 2010

amy q's....but not from amy...God time with my kids...

what does your bible time look like with your kids? do you have a specific routine each day?resources?

i'll start by saying that some days are better than others in this area...we don't have a really specific routine - but sort of! i think "bible time with my kids" is alot like alot of things in my life -- there are some structured parts with lots of freedom to do things however feels best on that particular day.

a "ps" before i even really start -- it's so good for me to think about things like this (so i'm glad someone put this question out there!) - i appreciate the challenge to think about what it is that i'm doing....and to be able to realize "hey, i'm doing ok in this" or "wow, this needs some work." (or a mixture of the 2). in thinking about this, i'm realizing that there are 3 really important concepts that are core to teaching my kids about God and spending time with Him (there are probably more....but these are the 3 that are really sticking out):

1 - listening to God is more important than talking to God - what He has to say to us is more valuable than what we have to say to Him (but isn't it amazing that He still wants to hear what we have to say!?!)

2 - having a "set time with God" is important - and very very valuable...but it doesn't end there. God has so much He wants to show us and teach us and tell us ALL throughout the course of our day...not just in our "time alone with Him."

3 - my "goal" in teaching my kids about God could be summed up into 3 things -- that they would KNOW God and His love....that they would love Him back...that they would share His love with others.

on to the actual....the part that could be considered "structured" is that most days (ideally) we start our day with "God time" -- first thing after breakfast we each pick a spot (with my kids being 5 and 4, we pick spots in the same room...i can imagine one day everyone having their own spot all around the house. emma's spot right now is the pack and play with a few toys) and each child gets to pick a "God book" (see list below)-- they can read/look at their Bible or some other book that specifically talks about God. i also remind them to listen to God - to ask Him if there's anything He'd like to say. i usually sit with my bible and read a psalm or just pray for my kids. after about 5-7 minutes or so i put on a worship song...sometimes we just listen to it...sometimes we sing...sometimes we talk about what we just read/looked at/heard. then we usually read some sort of devotion together. the point of this part is more about teaching them the habit of being still and quiet with God - of having time where our focus is on nothing except for Him.

the parts that would be considered "unstructured" but very important and a part of our daily/weekly life:

--scripture memory and review. we do this all sorts of ways...some weeks we have a verse that we're working on as a family....some days we review the verses they already know (i keep a list on the inside of a kitchen cabinet with the reference and first few words of each verse). sometimes in order to "get" what they are asking for (candy, gum, to watch a particular video), they have to pick and say a verse (but it can't be 1 john 4:8 or philippians 4:4...those are their go-to verses that are too easy!!). some days as part of eli's writing i have him copy a verse that may pertain to something we've been talking about/dealing with. as part of our "curriculum" last year we had a verse each week that went with the letter we were working on - i would write the verse on notecard...so now they each have a set of 3x5 cards with verses on them - we add new verses to that and use it to review old ones.

--we use the take homes from their classes at church on sunday....and talk about what they are learning on sundays throughout the week...

--seeds family worship scripture songs play most of the time in their room...(i love that God's word in soaking into them whether they are actively realizing it or not!)

--nick and i share what God is teaching us - sometimes this is just in a conversation between the 2 of us at the dinner table (the kids just happen to get to listen in on it). sometimes it's directed to them.

--we pray (sounds so obvious...but it's a key element!). alot of our prayer time happens in the car - we pray for others...or for whatever we're heading to....or for nick....or for one another.... i try to make it a point to ask them if there's anything i can be praying about for/with them (sometimes they have an answer...sometimes they don't). something else that i'm thankful for is that i'm learning more and more to pray in frustrating situations....when i feel like i'm losing my patience we just stop and pray. OR i ask them to pray for me. ("eli, will you pray for me to be patience and peaceful?" "caroline, i'm feeling frustrated and i don't want to. will you pray for me right now?")

so that's that. one random thing that just came to mind is that "if you fail to plan, plan to fail." i don't really like cliches....but they are cliches for a reason. i know that if you don't have some sort of plan in mind for spending time with God/leading your children in spending time with God it's not going to happen...our lives and schedules don't naturally lend themselves to sitting still or being quiet or giving God our attention.

just this past week i "figured out" a new way to get the kids really excited about spending time with God...i spend my time alone with God first thing after they are in their rooms for rest/nap time....so on thursday i told them that it was time for them to rest and i was about to spend time with God. sweet caroline says "can i spend time with God with you, too??" and of course eli chimes in that he'd like to, too. you can't refuse that!!! well, i guess you can refuse that....and, in the future, i may end up redirecting them to their rooms to spend time with God on their own rather than sitting with me...but for the moment, pushing rest time back a little and letting them sit with me was the right thing to do...and it was a sweet time! eli was reading something in the old testament and saying things like "mama, did you know that such and such was 65 feet high?!" and caroline was looking at her precious moment bible - she has 3 pictures that are her favorites....she was thanking God for them and using them as prayer guides. it really was a beautiful time. i'm thankful for the times when God reminds me that He is more important than schedules and routines....He shows up in the sweetest ways when we make room for Him (and sometimes that's in the midst of a schedule or routine if we're paying attention!).

God books/favorite resources right now:
Fun Devotions for Boys: Gotta Have God (also good for girls!)
My Big Book of 5 minute Devotions - Celebrating God's world
My First Bedtime Bible (has neat pictures!)
Precious Moments Bible (has lots of neat devotions in it)
Little Visits with God
Berenstein Bears "Living Lights" series
What is God like? (Beverly Lewis)
We also have 2 felt play story books (one is Noah...one is Creation) - they used those early on for God time.

honestly, i'm not sure you can "go wrong"....i feel like i could walk into a Chrisian bookstore and randomly pick most anything and God could use it to bless us and teach us....but i've never actually tried that...but i've also never been intentional to get anything in particular - except for "fun devotions for boys," the books we have/use have all been given to us.

30 November 2010

because i wanted to make a list

7 reasons why i love rainy days

-the sound of the rain falling is soothing
-rain takes the pressure off to "be productive"
-naps are just better on rainy days
-it brings out creativity...since going for a walk/to the playground isn't an option we've got to come up with other things to do (today it reading in our fort and indoor exercising...quite entertaining)
-if you do happen to go out, it's a totally different experience than on unrainy days
-rain is a change of pace...changes of pace are nice
-it's a reminder that God is Provider

yes, i'd love to....our God saves

i’ve decided that when any of my children start a sentence with “Mama do you want to see….?” i want my response to be “yes! i’d love to!” as often as possible….always would be ideal.

the song “Our God Saves” is a little hard for me to sing….well, it’s not that hard to sing – it just sends my head on a thought tangent. i usually think “God, i know you save….but what about our boys…” my human thought is usually “you didn’t save andrew or sweet little teddy…” He always gently responds “yes, I did. I saved them…they are safe and saved.” i wonder if i'll always think of them when i hear that song…that would be ok. i wonder what all He saved them from – life here on earth…hardship…disease…destruction…addiction…who knows. and i wonder what He saved us from by letting them be immediately with Him – a long fight with cancer….a tragic accident….a heartache like we’ve never known. thank you, God, for being in control…for knowing the plans you have for us – plans to give us a hope and a future. thank you for saving – even in the midst of what looks like losing. You are so good.

in light of those thoughts, i think i’ll share an e-mail from a few months ago…next post please (said in the tone that the teacher says “next slide please”) :)

18 November 2010

it might tell you alot me

this is from an email i sent to a new friend who was given the diagnosis of anecephaly (i still don't think i spell that). i reread it the other day and thought it was pretty thorough and accurate...and worth sharing (i updated the ages of our kids!).

"...first, i'll give you a very brief bio...the first thing i want you to know is that i LOVE questions - so feel free to ask me anything, anytime!!! as far as "real" bio stuff -- i'm married to an incredible incredible man, nick...we have 3 kids (eli - 5, caroline - 4, emma - almost 1 year)...i work part time for a non-profit ministry called teen advisors (nick is the executive director)...most of the time i'm a "stay at home mom" (though i'm not sure what i think about that term)...God's leading us to homeschool...we're also in the early stages of adopting.

my story sounds pretty similar to yours...we went in at almost 22 weeks for an ultrasound expecting to come out knowing the gender of our baby...but came out with completely different news. as the ultrasound tech (sweet sweet lady) was looking at the baby i could sort of tell something wasn't quite "right"...i even asked "so if something's not right will you tell us or will our doctor?" she said "you're doctor will tell us...."...and she kept taking pictures and stuff...after a few more minutes she said "i'll be right back..."....then she came back with our doctor. big sigh.

our 2 kids came with us to see their new brother or sister. looking back it was sweet how they handled it...caroline just sort of crawled up beside me and held my hand (which she doesn't do very often!!!). eli hung out with nick. it was like God was comforting us through them - though they really didn't grasp what was going on. that appointment was on monday...we saw a specialist on wednesday (and that didn't feel "quick" enough!!). the specialist confirmed all that my doctor had said. we decided to induce labor and went in on thursday night. andrew was born on saturday afternoon. he lived for just a few minutes (exactly what our doctor had told us).

i know some people completely disagree with what we did - i suppose they would consider it abortion or killing an unborn child...and some people would continue praying for a miracle - for complete healing. and while i KNOW that i KNOW that i KNOW that God is capable of healing - of putting a skull where there was not one - nick and i didn't feel like that was what was in it for us. we prayed and sought God and completely surrendered it to him and we both were lead to the same conclusion that i was not to carry the baby the entire 9 months. we felt like God gave us "permission" to take the baby off of life support (the life support being my womb). NOT an easy decision...but that was God's leading - and we've been reassurred of that time and time again.

one of the most precious things that God shared with me as i was grieving the loss of our little one was this thought - that andrew was getting to learn about jesus from jesus! he didn't have to get it second hand through me and nick!

another part of our story that happened about 7 months before all of this (pre-quel to andrew!) is that we lost another baby - i went in for a regular checkup at 13 weeks and my doctor couldn't find the baby's heartbeat. according to measurements that little one died around 11 weeks. they weren't really sure what went wrong - but the 2 losses weren't related.

the next part (post-quel??) is that we were able to get pregnant again and everything went fabulously fine with that pregnancy - and now we have a beautiful chunky peaceful little girl named emma who is healthy and whole (the name emma means whole - but that's another story!!).

so...there ya go. i love that you referenced that matt redman song in your blog...LOVE that song. that was a huge one for me during that time...and the part of "blessed be your name" about how God gives and takes away - and how we CHOOSE to say "blessed be Your name!"....there was also one other song that God really used during that whole season of life -i don't know who sings it...but the line that was so significant was "all that you hold in store is all that i want, oh Lord" -- even if what He holds in store doesn't feel so good....even if what He holds in store is at the opposite end of the spectrum from what i think i want.

i'm here and am happy to walk through this with you (i really appreciate the verse about bearing one another's burdens)...but please don't feel any pressure to have to reply back...

praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compasion and the God of comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. 2 corinthians 1:3-4

may His comfort be yours.

there, i said it...and random other thoughts.

facebook is officially good for something in my life (not just a thief of time or an avenue to needlessly compare myself to others) - if for no other reason than to be able to receive and read the birthday wishes of so many, i am thankful for facebook. there, i said it.

during our vacation there was one day where we were on the gatlinburg bypass - it's BEAUTIFUL...and winding...peaceful.... and i was contrasting that road to the main street through gatlinburg -- it's busy...and commercialized...and crowded...and so "of the world" in so many ways...and i just had the sense that God was showing me something about our lives in those 2 roads. i don't know....i just don't want to look like the world. at all. and yet i do in some ways.... i don't know if God wants to use those roads to teach me anything else....or if He's going to clarify what He was saying...but it was a holy moment on the gatlinburg bypass.

other favorite moments from our trip: emma sliding down the slide into the balls, friday night walk and baskin robbins with nick, caroline's dancing and singing, eli's late night reading

least favorite moment: falling off of the counter. silly pride.

random thought - if you ever have something specific that you'd like me to write about, i'd LOVE for you to let me know. email me anytime.... dianna@teenadvisors.org ...but please only give me one topic/question at a time in the email...otherwise i'll get a little overwhelmed with the choice and may not ever write about any of them.

adoption update: the adoption process is still in process. we're waiting to hear from bethany (the adoption agency...not a person) what our next step is....the ball is definitely not in our court right now. i am peacefully waiting to see what (who) God has for us.

i'm not sure why i'm still up and sitting at this computer (the time mark on this post is going to be 7 something....really it's 11:15). i really want to be asleep. i'm going to head that way. thanks for sharing life with me. good night.

01 November 2010

time for an amy q! recharging!!

what do you do to recharge yourself and when do you find the time to do so?

to recharge myself i: spend time with God....spend time away from my house...spend time without my kids (sometimes all 3 of those happen at the same time! actually, it happens weekly at Crave....i'm so thankful for that time!)...spend time with friends....go on dates with nick!...take naps (sometimes while the tallest 2 are watching a video i just lay right down on the futon and snooze)...i read...i blog! ha. there may be other things...but that's what's coming to mind.

when do i find the time to do so? i'm so thankful for the structure of my week....i feel like i have plenty of "built in" time where i am recharged 1) during my kids' rest time/nap time - sitting still with God and His word is my top priority...not dishes or laundry...or checking email....not getting on facebook. HIM. if there's time left over i try to use it to do things that i want to do - read or nap or check email. 2) wednesdays from 11:00-12:15 = crave with childcare = beautiful. 3)some weeknights if nick is home i'll "escape" for a bit after the kids go to bed....go to chick-fil-a and enjoy their free wi-fi....or go for a walk (in the summer time when it's not dark yet)....or meet a friend for coffee...i'm so thankful for a husband who not only "allows" that but encourages me to if that's what i need 4)date night is definitely a recharger for me - and for our marriage. those usually happen on wednesday nights. 5)community group on tuesday nights 6)friday fun on (you guessed it) friday mornings.

thinking about this is causing my heart to well up with thankfulness...thankful for the life God's blessed me with....thankful for the community that i am a part of...thankful that God is so faithful to refresh me and restore me...

26 October 2010


just been thinking about how to handle the moments when i feel like i'm at the worst as a mom...when i'm at the end of my patience...at the end of the little bit of grace i feel like i have to give....when it feels like nothing i'm doing is working as far as training my kids...just tired...cranky...bothered.

the songs that played on the ipod during my figure 8 around lakebottom last night were from Him, i'm sure of it. "i run... i crawl....it doesn't matter how i get there....only that i would be here at all." "when everything falls apart You hold me together" "morning by morning new mercies i see...all i have needed you have provided."

notes from sunday morning -- strength will rise when we wait upon the Lord. He does not grow weak or weary....He tells us to come to Him when we do grow tired and weary. "Come to me....I will give you rest." He gently leads those that have young. His grace is sufficient. He KNOWS what He's getting us into by giving us children. He is the answer. running to Him in those moments IS the answer...nothing else matters.

come, Lord Jesus, come. i invite you into every part of my life. i invite you into the moments when i'm doing alright (the reality is you're already there...that's the only reason i'm doing alright!)...and i invite you into the moments where i am most unlike you (may i KNOW your presence more and more in those moments!!). i invite you into my frustration....consume it. i invite you into my tiredness...refresh me. i invite you into my decisions...may they honor you. i invite you into my mind...may every thought be obedient to you. may i know your nearness...

22 October 2010

the game & not having an std

i've made up a game. it needs a new name. the current name does not honor God - and is completely irrelevant to the game itself.

how to play: you must have a leap frog fridge set of letters (or really any set of alphabet letters) - one of each letter (ONLY one of each letter!). you try to make words using as many of the letters as possible.

scoring: when you're done, you count of the points of the letters that are left

vowels = 5 points (you really shouldn't have any of those left!)
W Q X Z V = 4 points
F J G B K = 3 points
L P H Y D = 2 points
C N M R S T = 1 point

hints: use "y" as a vowel; only use one vowel in a word if possible; nymph is an amazing word for this game

the best i've ever done was 17 points. my words were "why, quack, next, drops, limb" that left F(3) G(3) J(3) Z(4) V(4). i know i can do better...

the "ever so wonderful - super smart - i'm awesome at the english language - miss english major - genius in hiding - i love her so much - amazing" mary smith has gotten it down to 8 points. if you can beat that, let us know. we want to know how.

in other news: i don’t have syphyilis. i have the piece of paper to prove it. (not that i thought i did....but i had to get an "rpr" test as part of the adoption paperwork. so i go to the health department and request an "rpr"....as the lady is taken my blood i ask "so what is an rpr test actually testing?" she says "syphilis." i said "oh....well, i don't have it...and if i do, i want to know where it came from. guess it's good to get tested." glad to know that i don't have syphyilis.)

the best list of questions i've come across in a long time

the point: to recognize all there is to recognize about your thoughts and heart and being - to become aware of all sorts of things that are right below the surface that you weren't aware of (or you weren't brave enough to fully acknowledge). to learn that all sorts of things are brewing on the inside that we might miss if we're not careful.

credit: rob bell

what is frustrating me right now?
what am i angry about?
what am i scared of?
what am i dreading?
what am i anxious about?
what concerns me?
what is stressing me right now, the smallest thing that i don't want to write down because it seems dumb but it actually is stressing me?
what am i looking forward to?

15 October 2010

another piece of the adoption puzzle

today is one of those days when it's easy to know that God is in control and that He is good and that He loves me.

i've been thinking alot about the "pace" of our adoption process and how thankful i am for it!! it hasn't felt all slow and drawn out and tedious....nor has it felt too fast or frenzied or crazy-can't-keep-up-with-this. it's been a nice leisurely pace...like a delightful walk on a trail through the woods. it seems like we've been able to take it all step by step...adding a piece and then another piece and then another to the puzzle. on weeks that are full and there really isn't much time to do anything "extra" there's been nothing that needs to be done....then when things need to be done (bloodwork drawn, letters obtained, copies made), the gaps of time have appeared and worked out rather perfectly. i appreciate God's faithfulness in the pace of this for us.

we had another set of interviews this morning --a few more questions for me and nick....some questions for mary...some questions for eli and caroline (the conclusion of those questions: they are excited about having a new brother and are ok with him calling me and nick "mama and daddy" -- "but not mommy...only mama...cause that's what we call her"....and eli is excited to get bunkbeds.). we also had our "home tour"....it was alot "less" than i thought it would be. i wasn't sure if they were going to need to open closets and drawers and the fridge. it was more like "this is the dining room.....ok....this is the kitchen....ok....here's eli's room....here's the bathroom....). alot less evasive than i anticipated! (i must say i am EXTREMELY thankful for the neat condition our house is in at the moment as a result of knowing someone was going to be "touring" it)(i wish my heart could be as at peace with mess as i am with order....)

so from here our "case" will be sent to the state office to be approved (or disapproved!). from what i understand they have 4 weeks to approve (or disapprove!) us. after that, i think we'll start "looking" at children who are available - our caseworker will let us know if she knows of any children that seem like they'd be a good fit for us. and we'll go from there i suppose...

it's still an incredible process....i'm still not sure how it's going to turn out....it still feels like the biggest step of faith i've ever gotten to take. it's exciting!

i love knowing that prayers are being lifted up on our behalf and on behalf of this little one (possibly little ones?!). thank you, God, for the ones who are walking with us as we walk with You on this adventure of adoption. we trust You...we want what You want for this child and for our family....it's all for You...

05 October 2010

tuesday morning thoughts

but by the grace of God, there go i.
one might get discouraged if you think about things too much.

october, how i love thee!
my teeth were chattering earlier and i LOVE it!!

He loves us. Oh how He loves us!!!

caroline: "i want to die"
me: (silence...raised eyebrows in questioning surprise...)
caroline: "i just really want to know what heaven is like."

01 October 2010

still thirsty. still drinking.

Psalm 63
God- you’re my God! I can’t get enough of you! Here I am…drinking in your strength and glory. In your generous love I’m really living at last! I hold on to you for dear life…

Psalm 42
I want to drink God, deep draughts of God. I’m thirsty for God-alive.

27 September 2010

colby caillat says it well...

"so lucky to be in love with my best friend
so lucky to have been where we have been
so lucky to be coming home again"

nick and i just had one of THE sweetest weekends of our married life...more than that, one of the sweetest weekends of my entire life!! we were given a marriage retreat at winshape on berry college's mountain campus....what a gift!!! God is so good to us. i knew i was looking forward to it - i have been since we were told about it close to a year ago. i just didn't realize that i was getting my IDEAL weekend in so many ways - the weekend i would dream up if someone said "what would your perfect weekend look like?" it would look like getting to be with nick...in a beautiful outdoors setting...getting to hike/exercise...getting to sleep in a comfy bed with the air turned really low...getting to take walks and sit in swings...getting to just BE with the one i love so much without much distraction...

if you're ever given a winshape marriage retreat, don't think twice about it...go. or if you want to save up for/spend your money on something worthwhile - this would be an excellent choice...or if you need an idea of what to ask for as a gift for your birthday or christmas - or if you need an idea of something to give as a gift (to your spouse or another couple!) - chose a winshape marriage retreat. if your marriage is wonderful, go. if your marriage is in trouble, go. if your marriage is somewhere in the middle, go. if you're about to get married, go - they've got a retreat for couples who are engaged...i've heard it's awesome!! i can't recommend winshape marriage retreats enough.

i am in awe at the way we were loved and blessed and served this weekend....from greeters in the parking lot who took our luggage to our room...to having peaceful music playing in our room when we walked in...to knowing that we were prayed for long before we even arrived...to the limitless coke (and dr. pepper!) and popcorn...to the fanastic meals (i even ate and enjoyed vegetables!)...to the hike to the reservoir...to the absence of tv, internet, phones (for the most part)....to the sweet worship around the bonfire....to the teaching...to the beautiful amazing setting...to the fun time on the ropes course...to the excellence that surrounded us all weekend (the thoughfulness of the "chic-fil-a industry" amazes me)...it was all so special and enjoyable.

but my favorite part - my most favorite thing - was getting to spend so much time with nick. he is my best friend. my favorite person to be around. you could have taken away everything else and just given me time with nick and i would have been more than satisfied. i am beyond thankful for him and for our marriage....why in the world did God choose to bless me in this way? He is so wonderful....so amazing....and He has given me someone who is so wonderful and so amazing.

i am so thankful to be in love with my best friend....so thankful to have been where we have been....and i am so thankful to be back home again...but, honestly, i'm trying to convince myself that i'm so thankful to be back home again -- at the moment, i'd rather be in a place that i don't have to clean...where i don't have to fix meals...where there's not much of anything to do except have conversations with my best friend and enjoy God's creation....but, really, i AM blessed to be back home...i am blessed that the same man that i enjoyed up on mountain campus is the same one i share a bed with here in columbus....so thankful that a weekend like this isn't the only time i feel connected, loved and appreciated.

(one of my other most favorite parts was discovering that eating chocolate chips with a chic-fil-a mint is a delightful combination!!)

(one other random note: not sure why but the "post time" for all of my posts are incorrect...this one says it's is 5:34 am. it's definitely not 5:34am. it's 8:37am. oh well.)

22 September 2010

i told you there were more quotes to come....

and now the most recent (and final) edition of quotes & notes from "the normal christian life." another book i just finished reading (it only took me about 4 months)....it was altogether different from anne of green gables but also on the "recommended reading list."

"...the basis of all service is this: that you pour out all you have, your very self unto Him; and if that should be all He allows you to do, that is enough. it is not first of all a question of whether "the poor have been helped or not." that will follow but the first question is: has the Lord been satisfied?"

"the Lord's first concern is with our position at His feet and our annointing of His head."

"whatever we have as an 'alabaster box': the most precious thing, the thing dearest to us - we give that all up to the Lord...often enough the giving to him will be in tirelss service, but he reserves to himself the right to suspend the service for a time, in order to discover to us whether it is that, or himself, that holds us."

"...in divine service the principle of waste is the principle of power."

"take your eyes off that other man! look at your Lord, and ask yourself again what it is that He values most highly."

"Lord, i do not mind about that. if only i can please thee, it is enough."

"what the Lord looks for in us is a life laid at His feet."

i want the impression i leave to be the impression of God Himself.

Anne of Green Gables Quotes

in honor of my precious friend Carey who left for France yesterday, i'm sharing my favorite "Anne of Green Gables" quotes. i just finished the book....it was delightful. i highly recommend it.

"all things great are wound up with all things little."

"i make so many mistakes. but then think of all the mistakes i don't make, although i might...."

"...i assure you, marilla, thta i feel like praying tonite and i'm going to think out a special brand-new prayer in honour of the occasion."

"we can have things perfect in this imperfect world."

"i don't see the use of meeting trouble halfway, do you, marilla? i think it would be better just to enjoy mr. allan while we have him."

"i don't know....i don't want to talk as much, " she said..."it's nice to think dear pretty thoughts and keep them in one's heart, like treasures. i don't like to have them laughed at or wondered over."

"as mrs. lynde says 'if you can't be cheerful, be as cheerful as you can.'"

maybe this blog should be called "dianna likes quotes"

2 favorite kid quotes as of late:

me: "so...do you remember the 3 gifts the wisemen brought when they met jesus?" (some may wonder why we were talking about the Christmas story in september....)
eli: "myrrh....and gold...and......chocolate."

caroline: "do you know why i was eating so many gummi worms?"
me: "no. why?"
caroline: "because they were so yummy."

favorite parenting line as of late (a response for tattling...and life in general):
"think about what you're doing right rather than what they are doing wrong." (thanks, hollie)

favorite thing God has said to me as of late:
"the treasure - what's inside the jar of clay - is far more important than the jar itself."

more quotes to come...

15 September 2010

learning so much in exodus

in Exodus 3 Moses asked “what makes you think I could ever go to pharaoh and lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?”

God’s response: “I will be with you.” He doesn’t tell moses all his strengths or the plan for getting him through what He’s calling him to. THE REASON moses can do it is because God is with him.

these verses meant too much to me not to share them….

Exodus 13:17-18 “it so happened that after pharaoh released the people (the Israelites), God didn’t lead them by the road through the land of the philistines, which was the shortest route, for God thought, ‘if the people encounter war, they’ll change their minds and go back to Egypt.’ So God led the people on the wilderness road, looping around to the Red Sea…”

first off, i never realized there was a second “a” in pharaoh….i think i thought it was just pharoh. would have gotten that wrong in a spelling bee…just like i got “supreme” wrong in 4th grade. surpreme is not a word. irrelevant.

second off, i’m so thankful that God sees the big picture. there are times when the “shortest route” looks easiest/best….but then we end up on the “wilderness road, looping around” and it doesn’t feel best – in fact it feels the opposite of best. it feels hard and tiresome and burdensome…desert like. i’m so thankful that we can trust that it is IS best even if it doesn’t feel best. God knows the army that would be waiting if we went the shortest route….He knows which path is going to draw us closest to Him.

i’m learning more and more that it’s really not about where we end up…it’s about walking with Him every step of the way.

08 September 2010

semi-pointless ponderings

just wanted to give one of my favorite people something to read on her thursday morning.

i have lots in my head and tons in my heart....but it's too much to try and put into words. maybe later. can't help but think of a quote from john eldridge's "walking with God"

"when it comes to crises or events that really upset us, this i have learned: you can have God or you can have understanding. sometimes you can have both. but if you insist on understanding, it often doesn't come...He doesn't explain everything. but He always offers us Himself."

on a totally different note, i read another significant quote earlier that i really like. "No one tells you that wealth numbs you to life and consumerism callouses your soul to the sacred." i don't want to be numb to life or calloused to the sacred. there ya go.

thanks for caring enough to read my blog.

22 August 2010

good stewards of more than just money

  • blood (american red cross)
  • hair (locks of love)
  • aluminum (ronald mcdonald house)
  • paper (it's crazy the amount of paper that comes into our house)(blue box, supposedly. if not, the recycling center)
  • glass (blue box/recycling center)
  • plastic (blue box/recycling center)
  • electricity (turn off lights...or don't use them)
  • water
  • plastic bags (recycle at publix)
  • egg cartons (recycle at publix)
  • box tops for education (pretty much any school)
  • campbell's soup labels
  • ink (use the "draft" - low ink - setting when printing if possible)
  • dryer sheets (1/2 of one does the job just as well as a whole one) (seems silly, i'm sure)
  • clothes/stuff (goodwill/valley rescue)
  • food (use what you've got, eat what you make)
  • home (welcome others into it)
  • God, what else have you given us/what else comes into our homes and lives that we can be good stewards of?

06 August 2010

psalm 42:5 (ish)

My soul is downcast within me; there I will remember you…(NIV)

When my soul is in the dumps (and boy was it in the dumps for about 36 hours), I rehearse what I know of you…(MSG)(parentheses mine)

You are good.
You love me.
You have a good plan for me.
You are doing what’s best for me.
You delight in me.
You are for me.
You like me.
You are with me.
You are holy.
You are able.
You are enough.
You are trustworthy.
You are faithful.

05 August 2010

time for another - amy q #3

who or what are your biggest influences when making parenting decisions?

biggest influence - God

next biggest influence - Nick

semi-big influence - books i've read (the ones that comes to mind -- sacred parenting, shepherding a child's heart, dare to discipline, just like jesus, parenting at its best, faithful parents/faithful kids, parenting isn't for cowards, too much of a good thing, babywise, the blessing)

another semi-big influence - Godly friends (moms who i look at and think "they're doing a good job - what do i want to do that they are doing?")

not an influence at all - the world's child centered parenting idea (sorry)(not sorry for the way i believe...just sorry if that offends anyone....)

Adoption Update

we took our 20 hours (3 saturdays) of Impact Training and have officially received our certificates of completion (though they spelled my name wrong on the certificate i’m assuming it’s still valid).

the classes were interesting (you’ll see)(you won’t really see, that was just one of our teacher’s favorite phrases – but we couldn’t figure out if he was saying “you see” or “you’ll see”…my vote was for “you’ll see”…)…he also used the phrase “powerful” and had some other random abilities to add fun letters into words that don’t usually have those letters - made for some fun moments as we listened and learned. overall, he did a fantastic job – he had a tough goal…training adults for 20 hours and trying to keep our attention/be entertaining. we learned A LOT…some new vocabulary words: resource parents, primary family, foster care teams, placement to permanency… and we learned lots about stuff we already knew a little about: separation, loss, grief, attachment, emotional disturbances, transcultural parenting, behavior management techniques, disciplining children, abuse, safe environments…

the next step is completing our fat stack of paperwork. i think we’re about 90% done…

then we’ll turn that in and get our home study process started. after that we’ll see if there are any children that look like a “fit” – and just wait for the “this is the one” from God.

i read these verses from Isaiah 42 at crave the other day. they really mean alot to me…

“But I’ll take the hand of those who don’t know the way, who can’t see where they’re going. I’ll be a personal guide to them, directing them through unknown country. I’ll be right there to show them what roads to take, make sure they don’t fall into the ditch. There are the things I’ll be doing for them – sticking with them, not leaving them for a minute.”

i’m very much trusting God to take our hand and be our personal guide – this adoption process is an unknown country! He’s going to show us what roads to take (and not to take) – we don’t want to fall into a ditch!! i’m so thankful that He’s sticking with us – never leaving us for a minute.

i just glanced at the other side of my Bible from the verses in Isaiah – it says “don’t be afraid: I’m with you. I’ll round up all your scattered children…” i wonder how many children we have that are scattered out there. time will tell. God’s got great plans….i’m looking forward to seeing what’s in store.

26 July 2010

adoption prayer - adapted from prayers that avail much

Holy Father - our Father who loves children! we trust you with this adoption process and we trust you with the life of the child that will be brought into our family. we believe our desire to adopt a child is from You, and we are willing to assume the responsibility of raising this child unto You. we commit this adoption to You and we will trust You every step of the way.

our confidence is in You -most definitely not in ourselves or our parenting abilities. we trust that You will bring this adoption to pass according to Your purpose and plan. use us as Your instruments of peace and righteousness to bless this child. we purpose in our hearts to train this child up in the way that he/she should go. use us however you want in the life of this child.

Lord, we are embracing this child (Your best gift) as our very own with Your love. we do not even know him, yet you are already cultivating a love for him in us. Thank you, God - for we know the only way we can love is because You first loved us.

Father, take this child up and be a Father and Mother to him as we extend our hands and our hearts to embrace him. thank You for the blood of Jesus that gives protection to this one whom we love.

we thank You for the man and woman who conceived this child and pray that You will bless them, cause Your face to shine upon them and be merciful to them. if they do not know Jesus, we ask You, the Lord of the harvest, to send forth laborers to share truth with them that they may know You and your great Love.

mercy and truth are written upon the tablets of our hearts, and You cause us to find favor and good understanding with You and with man — the adoption agency staff, the judges and all those who are involved in this decision-making process. may all be careful that they do not despise this little one over whom they have jurisdiction — protect his heart, his mind, his body - even now, God, please surround this little one with safety and love.

Lord, we are looking to You as our Great Counselor and Mighty Advocate. we ask for Your wisdom for us and for everyone involved in this process.

We are calling on You in the name of Jesus, and You will answer us and show us great and mighty things. No weapon formed against us and this adoption shall prosper. Father, we believe; therefore, we have spoken. May it be done unto us according to Your Word.

22 July 2010

worth far more than .43 worth of windex.

i almost told him not to waste the windex. but then i realized that EVEN IF HE USED THE WHOLE BOTTLE it would only cost $1 to replace.

today eli was helping me clean (my kids really do help me clean...and do laundry...and put away dishes....all sorts of things) and he took it upon himself to work on the counter and the stools in the kitchen - no prompting from me. he was using plenty of windex and wiping it up with the cleaning rag. i almost told him not to use so much....thankfully i thought before i spoke and realized that it was far more important to let him clean - to let him feel useful, to let him help - than to save .43 worth of windex.

in the end he probably only used about .17 worth of the dollar store version of windex. .17 well spent on a section of our house that is spic and span...and a little boy who accomplished something he set out to do.

02 July 2010

a great mom moment

i told my children that i couldn't be their mama today.

it was one of those mornings where they were fussing (or maybe it was me that was fussing)...and i'd heard "mama, can you...." and "mama, i need...." and "mama, she this..." and i just had to take a little break. one of my little ones said "mama, could you....?" and i said "i'm sorry. i just can't be your mama right now. i'll be right back." i took a little break. i walked into another room. after a couple of minutes (minutes spent wisely praying and regrouping and getting myself together) i came back and said "alright. i can be your mama again...what is it you need?"

that worked for me. and it worked for them. i couldn't be their mama right then - not the mama they needed....not the mama that God has called me to be...not the mama i wanted to be. so i took a break. i do believe that break was God's provision for me. it's ok to not be perfect all the time (or any of the time). it's ok for me to admit that i can't do it. it's ok to walk away, regroup and come back.

i titled this "a great mom moment" thinking it was far from it....but, in hindsight and by the grace of God, i think it really was a great mom moment. He's so good and faithful. He HAS given us everything we need for life and godliness - everything we need to be the mom/wife/friend/person that He created us to be. He has given us permission to take a break and not be a mama for a moment...to just be His child who desperately needs Him every moment...to come away by myself to a quiet place and get some rest (even for 2 minutes).


i had a bit of an epiphany earlier today...i realized that, in general, i am not concerned unless convinced (by others or by circumstances) that i should be concerned. whereas i think it may be the other way around for alot of people -- concerned until convinced they shouldn't be concerned. i think there are pros and cons to both.....for the moment, i'm thankful for the lack of worry that comes with not being concerned until convinced to be concerned...

i also think it's interesting that the word epiphany refers to the commemoration of the coming of the magi to Jesus at bethlehem...and it's a sudden striking understanding of something. there's something significant there.

in other news - i think i'd like to start using the word "ethereal" more often. ethereal: an adjective meaning celestial, heavenly, exceptionally delicate, airy dainty. i'll work on that.

can you tell i pulled the dictionary off of the shelf today?

29 June 2010

Watchman Nee's "The Normal Christian Life" - some quotes & notes

"we have never to struggle to get into Christ...we are not told to get there, for we are there; but we are told to stay where we have been placed."

abide in me and I in you -- a command coupled with a promise.

"all temptation is primarily to look within; to take our eyes off the Lord and to take account of appearances."

"the devil is a skillful liar - lying not only in word but gesture and deed...believe God, no matter how convincing satan's arguments appear."

Holiness - given over wholly to God; reserved exclusively to the Lord

"Lord, i give myself to Thee with this desire alone, to know and walk in the path thou hast ordained."

"i do not consecrate myself to be a missionary or a preacher; i consecrate myself to God to do His will where i am, be it in school, office or kitchen or wherever He may, in His wisdom, send me. whatever He ordains for me is sure to be the very best, for nothing but good can come to those who are wholly His."

"may we always be possessed by the consciousness that we are not our own."

16 June 2010

we have some learning to do...

"i grew last night. look at me next to caroline - i weigh one inch older than her." -- eli

amy q #2

where do you go for support/encouragement when being a mom is challenging?

literally - sometimes i go to my bed and take a nap. sometimes i go to the park and run. sometimes i go to the spectrum on wynnton road and get a big cup of coke or dr. pepper for .79 (.85 once tax is added). when it's really challenging i go to baskin robbins and get a cappucino blast.

less literally (but still pretty literal) - i go to my dining room table and i sit down with The One who believes most in my abilities as a mom and with His word. i let Him tell me that He has given me everything i need for life and godliness (and everything i need to be the mom He's called me to be)...and that it's ok for me to be weak - because He IS strong. i pour out my heart like water to the one who can handle it - i tell Him how very frustrated i am and how very hard this mothering deal seems to be...i am reminded that He gently leads those that have young...that His grace is sufficient and that He is enough. i confess my mistakes - my harsh words or tones, my impatience, my reactions that were less than Christ-like. i ask for forgiveness.

sometimes i tune into the prayer room at ihop.org or put in a favorite cd and worship. taking my eyes off of me and putting them on Him always seems to help.

where else do i go? to my faithful husband who is so gracious and understanding. i spill it out on him. i go to my friends who i know are dealing with similar challenges - i go to the friends who i know will pray for me and encourage me (God has blessed me with some wonderful moms to share life with - moms who do not waive off challenges or dismiss them as "no big deal"...moms who don't make excuses for sinfulness and ungodly behavior but who are striving to be holy as He is holy).

(when i'm at my best in the middle of a challenging moment i stay calm and prayerful...we peacefully figure out a solution...or i at least send them upstairs to watch a video while i compose my spirit and gain back some self-control. at my worst, i say terrible things in my head and make lots of ridiculous noises - "grrrs..." and "aggghs..." i say dumb things like "if only you would have listened..." or "why didn't you obey?!" i say things that i then have to ask their forgiveness for. they are so gracious to forgive, as is He.)

14 June 2010

daily dose of swedish fish

my eyes are having a hard time staying fixed on Him. they keep wandering to others...and, inevitably, i don't measure up - at least in my estimation i don't measure up. i fear this blog is just one more thing in my life that i hold up in comparison to others... and i end up thinking "it's not as cool...it's not as meaningful...others don't like it as much....i don't have anything worth sharing..." facebook. children. friendships. love for others. service to others. kindness. compassion. homeschooling. i'm not measuring up. TRUTH be loud. lies be silent!

my heart is unsettled. i'm just not quite myself. the things i've dealt with so intensely in the past have resurfaced. i hate it. not that i thought i was done....but i sort of thought i was done.

His divine nod of approval IS sufficient....and, i say this as humbly as i know how, i believe He is giving me His divine nod of approval. He's giving so many His divine nod of approval. why do i not rest in His nod? THE thing that is enough, isn't enough for me today. i'm so sorry, Daddy.

oh that i would avoid comparisons, resist exaggerations and seek only God's commendation. that i would REJOICE in the strengths of others - rather than setting myself up against them. when a friend gives another friend a huge compliment, be glad that you have such awesome friends! don't think "if she's the most fun mom then i must not be." ridiculous.

we've talked about this. be done. set your heart on things above, not on earthly things. fix your eyes on Him, the author and perfector of your faith (the author and perfector of you!). whatever you do, do it with all your heart - serving the Lord, not men.

in other news: i'm enjoying swedish fish these days and counting the days until nick returns from Bogota (6).

18 May 2010

introduction of amy q's

so i was telling my sister (my lovely amazing incredible beautiful insightful intelligent fabulous sister) about my blog...and how i didn't really know exactly what it was supposed to be about...and i asked if she had any thoughts for me....and she threw out a bunch of questions in regards to my parenting -- (i'm calling them "amy q's")...so then i asked if she'd e-mail me those and then i'd answer them as part of this thing i'm calling my blog. ha. still makes me laugh a little that i have a blog. but i do. so this is the first installment of "amy q's"...i'm starting with an easy one...

how do you encourage your children to eat healthy?

my first response to that was, "do you really think my children eat healthy?" i definitely want them to...but i'm not convinced that they do!! her response was "YES--I do think your children eat healthy . . . fruit or vegetable with every meal, good snacks, limited juice--yeah you're certainly on the healthy train and you do it well!"

i don't know about any "healthy train"...but i think it comes down to keeping the food pyramid in mind (and a fun song that i learned from a "signing time" video -- 1,2,3,4,5 a day...eating in a healthy way...veggie veggie fruit fruit veggie day...or a fruit veggie fruit veggie fruit day...or any combination of the 2 that equal 5!) and then giving them "win/win choices" (that applies to so much of my parenting). for instance, if they ask for a snack i give them 2 good options -- apple slices or a banana (as opposed to a choice between apple slices or a cookie)...yogurt with granola or carrots (i would choose the yogurt all day long...i'm not a fan of carrots). if they don't want either, that's fine...they just don't get a snack then -- cause i always offer something that i KNOW they like...if they're really hungry, they'll eat it.

when they ask for a snack and it's close to a meal, rather than saying "no, you'll spoil your supper" (moms everywhere are cringing), i usually give them something that was going to be a part of their supper anyway -- usually the fruit is the most accessible thing. they still eat the other 80% of their meal at the table with the rest of the family when it's supper time.

honestly, i always wondered how it would work trying to get my kids to eat vegetables because i don't really eat them. so far it's been fine - i usually eat a little portion of whatever i'm serving them (and, surprisingly, i've grown to like - or at least tolerate - some of it!). it actually helps to be able to say "i don't really like it either...but i'm eating it because i know it's good for me and i want to take care of the body God's given me." the downside is that i don't really try too many new vegetables. we eat pretty "standard" vegetables.

something my friend carey shared with me is "try bites." just try one bite - like it? keep eating it. don't like it? don't eat anymore. try bites work for us on new things. on things i know they've eaten before and liked, i expect them to eat all, or at least most, of it... or if they've tried it in the past and not liked it i have them do a new try bite - my thought (or at least my tactic) is that their taste buds MAY have changed since the last time they tried it - they are older than the last time they tried it and they might like it this time!

other things we do:

--watered down juice. that was something that we started when they were first drinking juice as toddlers and we've just kept doing it. they usually have juice with breakfast - and usually it's about 60%water and 40% juice. they get "real juice" with their yaya and every now and then at other times. it's not their source for vitamin....and i think the water is more important for them.

--they don't drink sodas...not because we're "anti-soda" (we're very much pro soda...man, cherry coke is good.) -- but because when soda is available there's usually an option that they are just as delighted to get - lemonade or fruit punch. i think there's something about the caffeine, sugar and carbonation that i'm steering them clear of for now...there will be plenty of time for sodas later in life!

--something that i'm realizing is that there's not really anything that's "off limits" for our family. we just seek moderation. my kids have candy and desserts and such...but it's limited and has boundaries.

--vitamins on occassion. i'm not a daily vitamin giver (a daily vitamin taker...but not giver...primarily because i eat far worse than my children) - i give them vitamins about 3 times a week, if that -- and that's not for any particular reason (i'm not against daily vitamins...for some reason i just don't feel like it's necessary)(i read in article that talked about all vitamins being completely unnecessary...i do believe i disagree with that - obviously i do because i give my kids vitamins and i take one daily myself). my thinking is that it's not hurting them...and could possibly be helping...and they like them.... thus they get vitamins a few times each week.

-- they aren't allowed to just go in the kitchen and get snacks and drinks. the fact that i'm involved in the process probably has alot to do with what they end up choosing. we typically have 3 meals a day with 2 small snacks in between (only if they request a snack). they typically drink milk for at least one meal each day....water for the other one (juice for b'fast).

--we don't enforce clean plates. there's a "no dessert without a clean plate policy" - but they are welcome to leave whatever they don't want on their plate (sometimes, when there's food left on their plate, the meal ends with "thank you for supper. i don't want dessert tonite. may i be excused?" yes. you may.) (the funny thing to me is that dessert is rarely anything exciting - 90% of the time dessert for them means picking one little something out of "their basket" -- a little basket with candy in it).

other FYI: my kids' favorite snacks: yogurt, carrots with ranch (eli, not caroline), chips & salsa, apples (pretty much any fruit...except for cantaloupe), crackers & cheese, cereal (not too sugary**see note below), granola bars, fruit and grain bars, popcorn (i pop it on a pot on the stove...it's fun! and seems a bit healthier than the stuff in the bag)

**i don't know if eli has the opposite of a sweet tooth - every so often he'll say something about not wanting a particular item because it's "too sugary." he also denied a second scoop of icecream the other night by saying "one is plenty, mama. i've had enough sugar."

so there ya go...the first answer to one of amy's questions. it's what we do and what works for us - not necessarily right for you...or maybe it is. if anyone HAPPENS to be reading this - do you have any thoughts? how do YOU get your kids to eat healthy?

in other news: nick and i picked up a stray kitten last night. i don't think i ever really pictured myself doing that. he or she is fluffy and black and little. the kids call him/her "princess izzy"...nick calls her "skittles"...i call her something different everytime. so we have a new little kitty...who stays outside.

05 May 2010

i'm not sure i can do this

line from ihop the other day "even as You brought me into Your family, let me bring another into mine."

today's one of the first days where i've really felt the "i'm not sure i can do this" in regards to adoption. we've switched "tracks" from the private domestic infant route to the state route -- which means the child God brings into our family is probably most definitely not going to be an infant. the pdi route (i just made that up) seemed safer...and easier...not scary (the most scary part to me was thinking about being up at night again...but that's do-able...just not my favorite!). adopting through the state means the little one is almost guaranteed to have experienced some sort of trauma/abuse/neglect/etc. my heart is already breaking to know that the child i'm going to fall in love with is not being loved well. not being an infant means we may have alot of work ahead of us...there's already tons of work in kids who haven't been abused or neglected or exposed to crazy stuff - and i don't feel as if i'm getting that "right" lots of days with eli and caroline. but i'll not borrow worry from tomorrow. i'll not be anxious for anything - but with prayer and thanksgiving i'll talk to God about it.

the fact is that GOD is bringing this child into our family. this is of Him and from Him and to Him and through Him. i will trust Him. i will trust His provision for us as parents - in wisdom and knowledge and practical skills. He will equip us and we'll be ok. We'll trust and we'll obey. obsequium fidei. i do not feel capable of this. so thankful that i know the One Who Is. louie giglio's book title comes to mind (at least i think it's the title) "i am not, but i know I AM."

philippians 4:6-7 (from the message): don't fret or worry. instead of worrying, pray. let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. it's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.

i've had the song "hello" stuck in my head lately (i don't even know who originally did the song...david cook sang it on american idol...and it was on "glee" a few weeks ago)(another side note...i don't watch glee...i just happened to turn on the tv and a girl and guy were singing it...i think God wanted me to hear it and have it stuck in my head as a call to prayer). everytime i've heard it lately it's made me think about the newest addition to our family. i KNOW it's a love song...and not intended for a parent/child relationship...but i can't help but think of the little one we're going to adopt when i hear the words "i wonder where you are...and i wonder what you do...are you out there feeling lonely or is someone loving you?"

i don't have a clue how this is going to work. i think i'm getting to experience a new aspect of the word "faith" through this adoption process. that's exciting...and daunting. for now i have 2 months to pray and read and research...we'll take our "impact classes" 3 saturdays in july - there's nothing else to do in regards to adoption until then. i picked up the book "the post- adoption blues" from the library yesterday...the first page has a good quote "loving a child, any child, is an ongoing act of astounding beauty." that's a good start. we'll see how the rest of the book goes.

in other news: i ate yogurt yesterday and liked it.

24 April 2010

thoughts from TA staff retreat

psalm 46:10
mark 4:35-41

be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations - among your children - among Teen Advisors - I will be exalted in the earth.

"Jesus said "let us go over to the other side..." then they took him along" -- Jesus gave instructions, the disciples obeyed - there was still a storm.

Jesus rebuked the wind and the waves - He didn't rebuke the disciples for asking a question

psalm 85:8 "i will listen to what God the Lord will say; He promises peace to His people..."

psalm 51:10-12
mark 6:30-31

romans 12:11
numbers 25:1-13

(TAs) you are zealous for the honor of God...zealous as He is zealous for His honor

galatians 6:9
1 corinthians 15:58
daniel 10:11, 18-19
ephesians 6:10-18
1 kings 19:1-18

my work done unto you is not in vain - it is not for nothing!

"when He spoke to me i was strengthened." you give strenth to stand. we are strengthened to stand when we hear from Him.

sometimes i feel unequipped...not because You haven't given me what i need - but because i haven't put on the armor to be able to fight.

2 corinthians 12:9-10
2 peter 1:3-4
1 timothy 6:6

quit focusing on the limitations and be thankful for the gift

my grace is sufficient for you - accept it...let it be sufficient.

Various other thoughts
even if you forget He loves you, He loves you still.
does His word ever not speak? in some way or another it always seems to speak
2 kinds of enough --
"enough!"...parent to child...rebuke...just stop!! enough!
"enough." ... i am enough. all you need. enough.

13 April 2010

monday's thoughts that it took until tuesday to type

-- facebook is deceiving. (or maybe "the life people portray on facebook can be deceiving" would be more accurate)

-- who needs P90X...just beat rugs and move furniture and mop everyday. now that's just how i want to spend my days.

-- beating a rug with a broom = good release of frustration (even when you're not frustrated). it's kind of fun to knock the daylights out of something and it be perfectly ok.

--seems like the more you clean, the more dirt you find.

--a God lead "because i just don't want to" really is acceptable.

maybe i'll expound on some of these things some day.

07 April 2010


(playing in the prayer room at IHOP right now...) shout out to God with a voice of triumph. shout out to God with a voice of praise. we lift your name up! hallelujah! we're going to lift our voice in victory. we're going to make our praises loud! the enemy's been defeated! hallelujah!! hallelujah!! hallelujah!! hallelujah!!

we're very officially on the road to adoption. we've been on it for a while - we've talked about it, prayed about it, been "oriented" to it, submitted an initial application, got the initial approval, talked and prayed some more... tonite was just the first time i've done something "active" (nick's been taking the lead on everything thus far!). i submitted our "formal application." we are wholeheartedly pursuing adoption. i'm excited to see what God has in store. Holy God, Faithful Father, King of Adoption! have your way with our family.

my heart is at rest in His presence...at rest in His plan. freedom reigns in this place.

05 April 2010

prayers that avail much - for my husband

Father, i confess i am a submitted wife simply because i want to be and because i recognize Your authority. in Jesus' name, i submit and adapt myself to nick as a service to You, Lord. i see that i respect and reverence Nick. that i notice him, regard him, honor him, prefer him, esteem him - that i defer to him, praise him, love and admire him exceedingly. i will comfort, encourage and do nick only good as long as there is life within me. as i seek counsel from nick, he will be my strength, my hiding place, my high tower, my intercessor - and we will stand side by side as we minister life, love and healing to those You send our way.

things i've been thinking about

in no particular order...

"bracelets don't make you pretty, God makes you pretty." (because of caroline)

"sometimes God speaks to us through our heads without using a voice you can hear - just like we sometimes speak to Him without using our voice." (because of eli)

what if the world naturally lent itself to order instead of chaos - would people fight "neat and clean" the way some fight clutter and mess?

if easter really is the most important celebration for believers, why is there one tupperware container that gets pulled out the week or so before easter compared to the 4 that get pulled out a month in advance for christmas (and that's just in our house...i think you could multiply that by alot to get the "norm")? simply by the amount of stuff and the time of celebration, the cash family is saying that christmas is 4x's more important than easter. a very classic example of actions speaking louder than words. i wonder if easter will increase in commercialism...so that eventually America will be doing for "easter" what America is currently doing for Christmas (all the while Christmas will continue to "increase"). it makes me sad to see pictures of the "perfect Christmas" -- the tree with alllll the presents - presents that we do not need. likewise with birthdays where children get piles upon piles of presents. how i long to be content with what i have...i long to have children who are content with what they have...may we somehow grasp how very rich we are. our stomachs are full. our fridges are full. our pantries are full. our closets are full. our shelves are full. we have so very much...so much to be thankful for...so much to be grateful for...we are so well provided for. yet we still find things to complain about...and still have a list of things we need to get. God! i'm so sorry! may my eyes be fixed on things above and not on earthly things.

25 March 2010

isaiah 43

another thirsty verse... Isaiah 43:20 ...I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.

not that i'm in any sort of desert or my life is a wasteland...quite the opposite, actually...but i love the thought that He gives drink to His people - and it's for the purpose of proclaiming His praise! He fills me so that i can praise Him. i praise Him for filling me.

other fabulous verses that stood out to me as i read isaiah 43...verse 12 "I have revealed and saved and proclaimed..." and the end of verse 13 "when I act, who can reverse it?" and verse 19 "see, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" i'm kind of wondering what "new thing" He is doing...adoption is the first thing that pops into my mind as i've asked Him what the new thing is. we've started taking official steps in that direction. we had an orientation with Bethany last week...i started researching grant opportunities yesterday...it's springing up - i think i am perceiving it! i sure hope i am. i always want to perceive the new thing that He is doing!

this really stood out to me: verse 25 "I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for MY OWN SAKE, and remembers your sin no more." i think i've always thought that He forgives me for my sake...and it is for my sake...but it's for HIS SAKE, too. He forgives me for His sake. boggles my mind just a bit. He loves me so much and wants fellowship with me so much that He forgives my ugliness, my selfishness, my rotteness, my mistakes, my failures, my sin...He forgives me for His sake. thank you, God.

in other news - i'm on a double stuffed oreo and milk kick right now.

17 March 2010


matthew 5:6 "blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled."

psalm 68:9 "You gave abundant showers O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance."

His promises are great and precious. I haven't been this thirsty in a long time.

10 March 2010

psalm 36:8 (and 9)

...you give them drink from your river of delights....with You is the fountain of life.

i brought my husband flowers yesterday - daffodils picked from the yard. this morning they were all fwamped over (maybe not a real word, but one i use often nonetheless). i know that flowers aren't meant to be ripped from the ground and disconnected from their roots and it's not the best thing for them to have their stems cut in half - but i still didn't think they had any right to already be fwamped. turns out that the vase didn't have any water in it. i added water...now they are back to being beautiful daffodils again.

i've been thinking about being thirsty...and drinking...about being filled. living water. it just doesn't work to go without water - our heads hang low, our spirits sink, we're not pretty (in no way am i referring to outward appearance). add water - a drink from His river of delights - we perk right back up and live.

He gives us drink from His river of delight. hallelujah. with Him is the fountain of life. drink up.

it might tell you alot about me.

so it's way late...but i want to go ahead and reply to you cause if i don't do it tonite it might be next week before i get the chance again...i still have lots of thoughts...but i don't know that they are going to come out very "pretty"...or if they are going to make much sense...but i think i'm just going to start typing and see what happens...

i think (and i say this long before we've adopted a child...it's just my thought) one of the hardest parts of adopting - especially if the child you're adopting is your first - is that you don't get to ease into anything related to being a mom...it's just like "wham, here's a kid"...with a newborn you totally get to ease into being a mom...you THINK you're overwhelmed and tired and that you don't know what you're doing with a little baby but the reality is that God is giving it to you in bite sized pieces. !) God knew that you could handle it in bigger than bite sized pieces, thus the 3 year old (and now almost 5 year old!)! knowing that He knows you can handle it doesn't make everyday life any easier though...i think that what you're doing in being your little boy's mom is a holy calling...a sacred sacrifice....a gift...an act of worship. In some ways I think the love, time and attention you're giving to him is just as much love, time and attention that you're giving to God. NOT that loving your little boy and taking care of his needs is cause to stop seeking Him and stop spending time with Him. Obviously that's not what you want to do or you wouldn't have sent the message...God is pleased with you, sweet friend. He knows your heart...He knows your faithfulness to Him...He knows that you desire to stay connected to the Vine. There's grace upon grace....the truth (that i know you know!!) is that He has given you everything you need for life and godliness. He's given you everything you need to be a mom. He is before all things and in Him all things hold together - including you and your mom-dom. He gently leads those that have young. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. He is strong in our weaknesses...and oh how weak we are! But OH HOW STRONG HE IS. I would encourage you to claim all the verses you know to be true -- even look at scripture through the lens of being a mom. That's what came to mind when you said you feel "spiritually distracted" -- that maybe one way to not feel distracted is to bring the distractions right into your time with God. As you feel distracted - as you remember appointments that are coming or things that need to be done - just bring it before God. Cast your cares on Him - your cares for your son, your cares about being a mom, etc. - He cares for you! Just as you would surrender any struggle, surrender this...A friend of mine talks about how she used to get so distracted when she was trying to worship or spend time with God -- her mind would immediately start filling up with things she needed to get done. instead of trying to ignore them she would just jot them down and then go back to reading or worshipping or whatever. so instead of the enemy winning and distracting her, he actually helped her by giving her a to-do list that she could pick up when she was done with her worship or studying or whatever. God knows that you are longing for Him...and He knows that you're longing to be an excellent mother for this child He's entrusted you with...

As far as fellowship - that's a tough one - i totally hear you on wanting and needing "like-minded" fellowship. i could care less about where little lucy's clothes came from or how many activities joe is involved in. really, for the most part, i don't want to hear about anyone else's kids at all...i want to hear about what the Lord is teaching them or what they are struggling with....I want to share my heart and life and know that someone is praying for me (and with me!). I want to know what scripture has stood out to them this week or how they have blessed their husband in the past few days. I want accountability and encouragement....not breeding grounds for competition (and not conversation about completely meaningless things!). So what works for me? i wish i could say that meeting regularly with other moms works for me...but it doesn't. i do have a little "playgroup" that i coordinate...i just invite other moms and kids to come over on friday mornings -- some weeks are more of a blessing than others and that's ok.

as far as connecting with other females -- e-mailing works for me alot - i have one friend that i share alot of life with through e-mail...we ask each other the tough questions and just share life together...(btw, i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to start having e-mail conversations with you!!). i have a thing called "crave" that i go to every wednesday -- it's not a ladies bible study (generally i'm not so much a fan of those - no offense to those who are) -- it's more of a time to just come and sit in God's presence and listen. it's a sacred, set aside part of my week. childcare is provided. it's a guaranteed part of my week. there's usually music in the background and some verses to think about...then at the end we come together and share anything the Lord has spoken to us (so there is a fellowship aspect of it...but it's more about God than the other women!). i typically spend time alone with God in the afternoon when the kids are napping (or resting as is the case these days with eli and caroline). it's my priority. i have NO idea what your weeks look like with work and all. not sure if getting up early is a possibility or staying up a little later would work. if it's undistracted time alone with God you're needing, maybe you could sort of schedule special times where your husband takes your child out and you have your house to yourself (you'd have to resist the urge to clean up or do chores or whatever). or maybe vice versa - you got out and have a meeting with God and leave the fellas at home.

one resource i'm LOVING these days is the prayer room at ihop.org Have you ever heard about IHOP? it's the "international house of prayer" based in kansas city. about 10 years ago they started a prayer room that has worship and prayer 24 hours a day 7 days a week. sometimes it gets a little crazy (with healing services and raucous worship :) - awesome stuff...stuff i'm still getting used to!) but most of the time it's very peaceful and a very neat place to automatically plug in. my favorite is "worship in the word" -- usually whoever is leading worship is just singing scripture. it's fabulous. i have no idea if any of this is at all what you were looking for or needing...just what's in my heart.

i guess a few other things might be to read the book "sacred parenting" - written by gary thomas. i'd never heard of him or this book until a friend recommended it. by far the best parenting book i've read. it's not about "do this, do that and get this kind of child"...it's more about the fact that parenting, done unto the Lord, is holy and sacred (and hard!!). ''


is it really this simple?

i'm doing this because He told me to. laying in bed on the retreat this past weekend i asked if there was anything He wanted me to do in response..."start a blog"....ok.

not really sure i'll ever tell anyone...it's hard to know if i'm writing for me or for them...maybe it's just to be written for Him. i guess it really doesn't matter. i'm being obedient. i've officially started a blog.

not sure anyone would really be interested in anything i have to say....i like my ideas...i like my life...but i'm not sure anyone else would! matters not.

"all i care about is living well before Him."