loving kindness on display
- pizza picnic - the first of the year!
- sweet Super Bowl gathering at the steiner's
- the idea of "grace drenched reflection" - from Dallas Willard's "life without lack"
- finally finished previously mentioned book. so so good.
- slow and easy Monday morning
- jim and Shelley's offer of wings
- aldi for the win with the lime chips!
- "I am your beloved" on repeat
- jon and sophia's kindness and delicious lasagna
- popcorn protege. the learner has become the teacher.
- "thanks for waiting...I'll be out as soon as we're done praying." - acc's text to me when I came to pick her up from mallory's
- team work making the dreamwork in taking care of kiddos so that i can take a little trip to fort jackson and see my favorite human
- dollar store valentine balloons. they have upped their game (and their price)
- beautiful weather, delightful walk with Lauren
- benji's chocolate chip banana bread
- Isaiah 41:10
- emma's artwork found nick
- how cleaning the cottage so often fits right in to the day's plans
- big, beautiful moon
- cash girls doing gymnastics together in the front yard
- incredible folks who step up to bless and encourage my kids