thankful (full of thanks). grateful (full of grates?)
- beautiful rainy days.
- the placement of the table that i picked up from the side of the road
- hours of sitting/being on the porch as a result of that table (me...zoe...emma...the cat...)
- TA staff and board rich and real and enjoyable.
- looking at how moses "sitting by the well" (exodus 2:15) lead to service...and lead him to his wife/family....
- quiet few moments and a peaceful path to walk on
- putting mail in the mailbox...i just love it.
- caroline and emma's handshake (and booty bumps)(caroline's thing is having a special handshake with folks...if you want one, just ask :))
- clement arts advocates retreat (so many wonderful parts...including the picture above and handmade coasters by jason and delicious cake and coffee as an afternoon treat)
- jennifer's good questions...and how she really listens to my responses
- raisin bran crunch. and how very good a bowl of cereal can be.
- very familiar verse: Galatians 1:3 "grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus." in a different version = my favorite thing to pray over myself and others this week
- 2 new members of our care team
- yaya's willingness to chauffeur caroline as needed (didn't know i didn't know how to spell chauffeur until just now when i had to look it up)
- the most beautiful paper plate i've ever seen
- dancing and jumping and worshipping with AB and jacob and zoe
- little wednesday night treat from Mercy's Jamaican Kitchen (plantains!!!)
- knowing nick is having a really great time at CAFO