more to be thankful for. always and forever.
- recovery sleep
- the goodness of saltine crackers and coke
- Shane and Shane's new album
- the ease of getting teaching textbooks all set up for the school year
- Janet's love and prayers
- time with Molly! uninterrupted conversation (unless the interruptions were from ourselves...and from our clapping for random people that weren't who we thought they were)
- Jeremiah 15:16 "when I discovered Your words, I devoured them. they are my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear Your name, O Lord God of heaven's armies."
- incredibly beautiful news about a former foster care placement
- zoe's enjoyment of the splash pad!
- laughing with Wendi and Aidan about the oriental grocery store and its neighbor
- delicious food and fantastic conversation at community group
- yup:
- rainy afternoon
- very good use of a trip to ellersie/cataula
- the right breath prayer at the right moment
- early birthday lunch for Caroline with yaya and grandaddy
- big ol' bag o' beef jerky from yaya. her jerkiness is the best. :)
- lovely cash sisters
- Hawaiian sweet rolls
- Emma was able to go to chicken sandwich tour after all...thanks, Amanda (and thanks for loving on my girl extra)
- one working hard on school with a stack of cookies.
- how hard Ms. Edwards works to get the respite care we've done paid for
- enjoyable meeting with the E2F+ team
- safety first at supper time
- nick found a car for Caroline...great car at a good price from a trustworthy seller
- everything doesn't have to make sense in order for me to trust God
- silly things in the 4 year old class at christ community