thankful list, a thursday tradition
- successful empowered to foster potluck
- cherry coke in 20 ounce bottles
- sweet morning time with just zoe
- how lexi rescued me during an awkward conversation :)
- francis chan's "letters to the church"
- plate from bulgaria, mug from benin, doughnut + coffee, significant time on the window seat
- "pressing pause pays off." - jennifer scott's instastory
- starting and ending the day with letters to the church and coffee
- free pancakes at IHOP
- "what would please God most?" (rather than thinking of what we would enjoy or asking others what they would like)
- teenage boys hanging out at our house
- walking over to see our neighbor...sweet sisters (so fun to think we've got a toddler, a tween and a teen! these girls are wonderful.)
- gift of a conversation with geni from living way. what kindness.
- celebrating Little One's 2nd birthday!
- "all looks good, no concerns" for previously mentioned 2 year old