21 November 2019

He never runs out of gifts...

  • "For everyone in every way can we choose radical compassion and empathy?" - mike foster
  • 166 pages.  way to go, nick!!!
  • fun at sky zone

  • community group laughter
  • the way gina believes in our family...what an encourager.  
  • great quote 

  • getting to clean out the midtown room closet (and then being given a starbucks gift card...that's like someone giving me a giftcard for eating cookies.  i really like cleaning out closets!) 
  • comfy sole hope sweatshirt (and wearing it 3 days in a row)
  • lovely gift from lovely cottage guests! (made from a coffee sack!)

  • lane's peace and faith
  • face time with nick
  • that so many americans will be a little more focused on thankfulness than usual this week