stickers and sunsets and other lovely things
- tabata and patrice's hug.
- stickers with denise
- an especially pretty flower...the one that stood out.
- God's heart breaks even more than mine...somehow that comforts me when i'm sad about the brokenness in the world...
- capp blasts on sale at BR (and finally knowing it's the caramel that makes it magnificent)
- more excellent (and challenging) thoughts from mike foster
- flavor blasted goldfish
- watching emma dance when she doesn't know anyone is watching
- i want to be a great irritant to demonic powers...and a great delight to the heavenly hosts and to the heavenly father.
- eli's willingness to hang out with/babysit micah
- i think i've finally figured out how to help emma not get overwhelmed with her schoolwork!
- lovely truth:
- hearing about the redeeming work the Lord is up to in the heart of a friend
- being able to say "no"...and knowing that no is a perfectly acceptable answer sometimes
- and one more excellent quote:
- experiencing cookout for the first time
- being with the martins saturday evening
- the sunset wednesday night