26 April 2011

a glimpse into my journal....if you really want one.

these really are just thoughts/words right out of my journal from prayer week at Christ Community last week…some thoughts came during worship (those are primarily in the first part of each section)…some from the scripture that was read…some are things i jotted down as others were sharing at the end of each evening… stuff in quotes is Scripture...stuff in italics are things i felt like the Lord was telling me...

Monday Night: Scripture Focus John 13:1-17
i’ll wait on you, God….no matter how long the wait – i’ll wait on You in this adoption process. You are enough for me – enough for Christ Community – enough for this adoption.

in Your presence is where i belong – it’s where i know who i am…seeking you, listening to you, hearing from you, worshipping you….i love being in this place!!!

the wonders of your mighty love…You “showed us the full extent of your love as you washed the disciples feet...”

washing feet – meets a practical need; is so very intimate; deals with a part of us that we’d rather keep to ourselves; washing feet and having your feet washed – both positions of humility.

we must let our feet be washed – we must let God touch the parts of us that we’d rather keep to ourselves – we must receive the washing that He is kneeling to give, that He is fully prepared to give. Once our feet are washed, we are to wash the feet of others. Serve – the greatest among you is the servant – thinking of the needs of others – doing nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.

John 13:3 – "Jesus knew the Father had put all things under His power….He knew that He had come from God and was returning to God." Jesus knew His position – He knew who He was – in that knowing He was able to serve. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. My beloved, my beautiful daughter, created to honor me – not to compare or compete. Created to be one who is sure of who I’ve made you to be. Be who I’ve made you to be – unapologetically…

John 13:9 – Peter replied “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well.” Reminds me of our Ezekiel River – not just dipping toes and ankles in the river but being IMMERSED, in over our heads (in the best possible way!!).

Tuesday Night: Scripture Focus John 14:1-14
my hope is in You - my hope for this adoption is in YOU - not in people or bethany christian services...only in You.

thank you for washing me white as snow...for rescuing me...for the promise of wholeness when i stand before You complete. thank you for beckoning me gently - and strongly!

am i asking you any "philip questions"? am i asking questions that You've already answered....
am i making any "thomas statements"? statements that are in direct opposition to what you've just said...

i think i fear that an adoption won't happen...i believe it's Your plan and that You ordain adoptions....i just keep doubting that it's going to happen. may i believe what you've said. in jesus name, i ask that you bring this adoption into being (this next part is what i feel like His response was to that) "it's already into being, dianna....it's well underway...just wait. wait for it. he's coming...and his little sister..."

we seek Him to see Him....we are asking for an outpouring of His Spirit...

Wednesday Crave: Scripture focus Philipians 2:1-18
He was (is) God - but did not consider equality with God something to be grasped...

He made Himself nothing - then God exalted Him to the highest place - and gave Him the name that is above every name!

God, you work in me to will and to act according to Your good purpose. i trust you in that

Isaiah 53...He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows. His punishment brought us peace...His wounds bring healing. "this easter is for you...to remember what I did for you...for us...remember what My Son's death makes possible - life, wholeness, healing, peace, joy, so much more..."

Wednesday Night: Scripture focus John 15:1-17
remain in me and I will remain in you. stay with Me...I will stay with you! Remain in me and I WILL remain in you! Stay with Me....I will stay with you. it doesn't so much matter if you are getting it right...or whether you are certain of anything - just remain in Me....do your best to remain in Me - your best is enough! I will remain in you - Christ in you is the hope of glory!"

bearing fruit is for My Glory....nothing about it is about us or about our fruit bearing abilities....it's not about others noticing our fruit or commenting on our fruit. the fruit is for Me - every piece! should I choose to give a piece of the fruit that I've produced through you to another, so be it...it's My fruit to give! It's not up to you to concern yourself with giving away the fruit...I'll do that. If you remain in Me, you will bear much fruit. If you do not remain in Me, you can do nothing. absolutely nothing."

Thursday Night: Scripture Focus Mark 14:12-26, 32-42
Turn your eyes upon Jesus. look full in His wonderful face....He'll take up your full picture - He'll more than fill your gaze and give you plenty to look at. nothing else to look at...only Him.

God, i want to hear your voice....i want to hear clearly from you....what are you saying? I am with you. I am for you. I am refreshment for you. ..

i felt like i was "hearing" the following - but i didn't feel like it was for me...not sure who it's for....be still. be still. your busy-ness is out of control and it's not glorifying to me. be still...stop going here, there and everywhere. you have GOT to take time to abide - to be fed - to be nourished and strengthened - otherwise, what's the point? I want you - all of you - I want your busy schedule...so that I can take it and clear it - I want to give you time with me. you don't think it's possible - there's too much to do and not enough time - but, believe me beloved, my precious child, you cannot keep this pace. you've got to slow down...BE with me! we've got so much to talk about. I've got so much love to lavish on you...so much wholeness to bring to your life. just slow down and be still.

more of You, God. less of me...so much less of me. none of me.

Friday Night: Scripture Focus - the last words of Jesus on the Cross
rid me of myself, i belong to You!

it's hard to look at the cross...so hard. but it's necessary...and beautiful!

i feel exhausted. absolutely weary - oh so tired. too tired for You to talk to me....not "i'm too tired..." but "will i even be able to hear you?" yes, you'll hear. i'll speak and you'll hear.

that cross - my son on that cross - is for you...for you to be able to say and do all that I've commanded and all that I did (on the cross)....forgive, speak Truth that leads people to eternal life, serve/meet needs/notice needs, interact with God, have needs, know victory, give ourselves fully to God.

confession is a gift from the Lord - not punishment. it is meant to deliver you from the power of sin!