09 January 2011

thoughts from this morning

song lyrics from the end of our church service today (something along the lines of....): " i want to do something so big it's destined to fail without you, Lord"

thoughts that i couldn't get written in my journal fast enough: that "something so big" could be as "simple" as living for Him daily, seeking Him daily, spending time with Him daily. the "so big" may not look "so big" to anyone else....but it IS SO BIG. it is GOD making something beautiful from what is not....righteousness from unrighteousness...scarlet red into white as snow. what HE does in our lives is SO BIG - it's something we cannot do on our own...something that's going to fail without Him. apart from Him when can do nothing. giving ourselves completely to Him to do as He desires is SO BIG.

may there be no discouragement because "so big" doesn't "look" huge and miraculous....may God breakthrough our "how it looks" so that we can see WHAT IT IS to Him.