22 July 2010

worth far more than .43 worth of windex.

i almost told him not to waste the windex. but then i realized that EVEN IF HE USED THE WHOLE BOTTLE it would only cost $1 to replace.

today eli was helping me clean (my kids really do help me clean...and do laundry...and put away dishes....all sorts of things) and he took it upon himself to work on the counter and the stools in the kitchen - no prompting from me. he was using plenty of windex and wiping it up with the cleaning rag. i almost told him not to use so much....thankfully i thought before i spoke and realized that it was far more important to let him clean - to let him feel useful, to let him help - than to save .43 worth of windex.

in the end he probably only used about .17 worth of the dollar store version of windex. .17 well spent on a section of our house that is spic and span...and a little boy who accomplished something he set out to do.

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