03 December 2014

The Cabin

A most special place...near and dear to my heart and to the heart of our family. 

...Where love and family and amazing food collide in a giant symphony of grace and peace and memories. 

...Where it doesn't matter who you are or where you came from, you are most welcome. 

...Where walks are taken, trees are climbed, 4-wheelers are ridden, and swings are made useful. 

...Where the food is deep fried and made with so much love you can taste it...and the "taste testing" is never frowned upon....and somehow the food seems to get better and better everytime.  

...Where family (related or not, still family) gathers around a table that's about to collapse under the weight of the food and prays and gives thanks for the blessings that have been lavished on us.  

...Where God continues to pour out His generous love and abundant provision....now more than ever before.