26 December 2014

5 minutes on the word of the week: JOY

“you WILL have JOY.”  He had us say it to one another.  Boldly. Loudly. With great confidence and assurance. 

I could hardly say it.  And I could hardly receive it. 

I LONG to have joy…and I believe that God longs for me to have joy…and in some ways I DO have joy – but in other ways, I often feel anything but joy.  To be more raw than this short post really allows, I have experienced a depth of sadness like never before in recent weeks….but I’m still longing for joy.  As long as I’m longing, I think I’ll be alright. 

“JOY!  Unspeakable joy….ours in great abundance.” Yes, please. 
“Gladness and Joy will overtake them.”  Yes, please.
“Inexpressible and glorious joy!” Yes, please.
“Joy, exceeding great joy!” Yes, please.

I trust that it will be mine.  It IS mine.  I will have joy.  I do have joy – even if I don’t “feel” the joy.  I taste the joy on a daily basis…and I’m hungry for more. 

You WILL have JOY.  And I will have it, too.