10 January 2013

thankful thursday - part 2 - thankful toni thursday

today is toni's birthday! toni is our amazing, incredible, fabulous, awesome, wonderful, one-in-a-million  YAYA.

just thought i'd take a few minutes and try to put into words how very thankful i am for her (though i'm pretty positive my words aren't even going to come close to scratching the surface of my family's heart in regards to how thankful we are for her and her love)(but i'll try anyway....)

i love her laugh...and her smile...and the way she knows the things we like to eat.  i love the way she doesn't mind (and actually enjoys!) washing clothes (and i love the way clothes smell that have been washed at her house).  i love her willingness to tell things like they are...and to flat out say "get over it" when those are the words that are needed!  i love how she looks for the best in people and in situations...

i love that one time, when nick and i were dating and staying at her house, she got on to us for leaving dirty dishes in the sink (i understand why way more now than i ever did then).

i am thankful for her strength and her independence - she's going to do what she thinks is right and best (even if it's tough sometimes).

i am thankful that she loves God and seeks to honor Him.  She worships wholeheartedly and she loves wholeheartedly.  When there is a need, and it is within her ability to meet the need, she does - without making a big deal of it.  She loves the people that God has put in her life - and she loves them well.  She's a great friend, neighbor and co-worker.  

she has fed us, clothed us, housed us, let us use her car, kept our kids for hundreds of date nights...she asks what we want for Christmas and then GETS it for us.

she's fun and generous and has been the giver of not just gifts but experiences - thomas the train, caroline's birthday beach trip, the trip to Splash...i know there have been more  - that's just what's coming to mind.  she's been present for the birth of ALL of our children...and has willingly shared in the joys and sorrows of our lives.  God has used her hugs and smiles and candy-bringing to encourage me time and time again.

i am thankful for her dedication to staying connected with us...(i won't go into how sad it makes me to think of her missing us...).  she calls and sends mail and packages...she emails...she makes every effort to skype with us.  i know it's not easy for us to be so far away (understatement of the year) -  but she's still trying...and i really appreciate that.  

Afew words from the kiddos:

Emma's 3 favorite things about Yaya:

  • "that i love her"
  • "toys from her"
  • "reading books with yaya"

"Yaya's birthday!!  I want to give her one of Caroline's books for her birthday.  I love you (holding up the sign.)." - Love, Emma

Caroline's 3 favorite things about Yaya:

  • "that we get to live with her"
  • "she's nice and makes us lunch sometimes."
  • "she took us to lego land with the whites.  i loved that trip because it was so fun!"
"Happy Birthday! I wish I could see you with my real eyes - not just on skype - and say happy birthday.  If I could give you anything, I would give you a whole day for just the 2 of us."  Love, Caroline. 

Eli's 3 favorite things about Yaya:

  • "that she always has fruit snacks & blueberry pop tarts for me."
  • "that she loves me to the moon and back"
  • "that she gets us activity pages and coloring pages"
Happy Birthday, Yaya!  If I could give you anything for your birthday, I would give you a hug.  Hope you get lots of good presents for your birthday! - Love, Eli

eating icecream in your honor!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  We love you!!
crazy faces
so, toni, on your birthday - and everyday - we celebrate you and thank God for you.  you are such a special lady...we are so so so so so so grateful that you are our Yaya...what a gift God has given us. 

we miss you.