03 May 2012

prayer week - wednesday night

last night was a bit different for me at prayer night....i felt like God was wanting me to spend more time praying for those around me and less time than usual asking Him for insight and writing things down in my journal.  so i prayed and  read verses as He prompted...  i ended up with an instruction from the Lord in regards to my children

we looked at Philippians 2:1-5 and Ephesians 4:6...in the Ephesian's verses it talks about being" humble, gentle, patient, bearing with one another in love, keeping the unity..." and i did feel like God was reminding me that He wants me to be these things with/for my children...and He wants me to LOVE them, deeply love them (that may seem like such an obvious statement...and really i guess it is pretty obvious, but it was a significant  reminder for me last night).  

Ephesians 5:1 "watch what God does and then you do it...like children who learn proper behavior from their parents, mostly what God does is LOVE you...keep company with Him and learn a life of love....extravagant love..."

God, please help me to LOVE my children well...to spur them on toward love and good deeds.  i long to be gentle and humble and patient...keeping the unity and bearing with them in the best possible way - as you bear with me.  please do what only You can - love my children through me.  i long to invest in them - Your Truth, Your Love, Your Life.  please have your way in my mothering...