26 September 2024

always gifts...just gotta look for them.

  • unexpected opportunities to sleep in a bit  
  • icemaker is under warranty (and there's no gas leak and no water leak and i think i found the issue with the pool pump!)
  • just right words from "written to speak" today
  • ice + cherry coke (so grateful every time!)
  • fun snacks and treats from nick
  • jackpot on the grape flavored fruit snacks
  • new to me song at ACC..."hold on to hope...sing hallelujah...gather your strength"...
  • yaya + shane's + lunch delivery
  • jacob & james found peter's lego guy!
  • "anchor my thoughts to the love of God." - soul space
  • house full of great kids on monday
  • funny things: 
  • when zoe plays independently (and hearing her interact with "tina" her new (imaginary) friend)
  • candace's chili!!
  • butterfly bouquets and thinking of my mom...5 years of healthy and whole in heaven!
  • SUCH a great weekend with Caroline in birmingham!
  • kathleen's kindness and hospitality
  • 3 sisters all together.  they're so pretty. 
  • getting to see campus through caroline's eyes/experiences so far (classrooms and work study and chi o house)
  • trader joe's treats
  • the way she does what caroline does ;)