manna on the ground no matter where i go
- papa pulling a toothbrush out of his pocket (i'm still laughing)
- months and months of uninterrupted internet
- lost in your love
- sweet girls to share a sweet time at Callaway with....butterfly center and circus...lovely way to spend a few hours and make the most of our trip to pine mountain to drop Eli at Impact
- being butterflies with the big butterfly (AB's idea)
- just right jeremiah's ice with emma (strawberry shortcake that included biscotti bits)
- a simple swap that brought life back to a beloved pen
- i was loved
- this guy...thankful for the way he loves the Lord and pursues Him...thankful for the way he thinks...thankful that he's at impact in an environment where he thrives and learns and grows
- church sunday morning...the way Jonathan weaves cityscape culture into the things he says and does (intentionally and unintentionally)(and that communion bread was so very delicious)
- trader joe's treats from ella
- paying attention to the words from honey in the rock and realizing what a wonderful song it is
- "the usefulness of my life is His concern, not mine..." - dominique voillaume
- mr. wright's help with the fuses/breakers
- getting to talk to nick
- molly's tip about the things on sale at target (saved more than i spent)
- a house full/pool full/day full/table full - FULL - of middle schoolers.
- FINALLY getting somewhere with the wonderful WOW folks (here's hoping)
- emma's enjoyment of all the dance classes
- lauren's refreshing friendship (and cookie bringing skillz)
- friends and siblings who went down to the river to see eli and ella grace
- eli's wifi hotspot (doesn't make sense....but we're grateful)
- mail from nick!!!
- emma's grace and understanding when things took alot longer wednesday morning than i anticipated
- amazing incredible news from the omojolas!!
- that smile on eli's face
- life is not always as complicated as it has felt this week
- blood levels that miraculously get into normal range and allow friends to go to maine
- a little wednesday night pickleball with yaya (and that the gate opened)
- caroline's excitement about her sandals getting here