all the more. and more. and more.
- family proverb reading and talking
- celebrating asher's soon-to-be-here-ness with delicious treats
- the little cottage succulent is thriving...and multiplying!
- lots of easy cottage guests this week
- emma's helpfulness and her awesome work on her faces of history project/paper
- taking a chance on pink running shoes (and the friend who found them!)
- rest and peace and relief and refreshment
- date night: good food and great conversation and a nice walk at britt david
- the book drops are open again! (and the fact that lauren knows how much i appreciate that)
- "hey my yaya" - zoe
- when the timing of things works out just as i planned for it to (no delays or unexpected situations)
- the moments that homeschooling allows (the way this big sister loves on this little sister is stunning)
- a certain little girl (and therefore this mama) slept until 9:30 monday morning (very rare and splendid treasure)
- anytime eli brings me a cherry coke from CFA
- this prayer on a lovely image
- needs that are shared and immediately met (bedside tables for Clement Care)
- social shuttling...and others willing to share in the shuttling
- getting to hang out with joshua and elliot
- hearing skip and ashley's life stories
- walking good hills and developing a new friendship
- zoe in pajamas picking tiny purple flowers