03 October 2019

this week's installment of thankful things

  • quite the productive time at 90 johnson street
  • papa's ham biscuits and rice krispy treats
  • reminders that others are looking for the gifts along the way, too

  • Phil Wickham's song in my soul
  • getting to go to the ballgame with my brother and niece and dad
  • very strong folks 

  • getting to talk to my dad so much
  • thoughtful note on my water bottle 
  • sometimes it's the simple things...like a really good hole puncher for .25 at valley rescue mission 

  • generous kids...thatcher's gift to eli white, aaron's gift/thoughtfulness of the volleyball to caroline, aaron and emma's handling of the launch giftcard, caroline's offer to swap rooms if that would bless emma
  • when there's disappointment or a change of plans, God's always got better (and we've always got His love and presence...and that's enough)
  • fun hour at launch for 4 special kiddos (and a peaceful time of catching up on a few things while they jumped and swang and stuff)

  • windows that are cleaner than they've been since we've lived here (thanks to the grass ninjas!)(maybe they can also be the "glass ninjas")
  • friends doing brave things...fostering...giving 2 weeks notice...retreating...not giving up
  • sunday evening on rails to trails 

  • flowers from nick.  how did i ever get such a wonderful husband?! 
  • the ice cubes that are hollow
  • zoe really does ham it up for the camera sometimes