20 June 2019

always a good idea to be thankful.

  • laura lea's hospitality, creativity, willingness to share Truth and succulents (what a delightful way to spend a friday evening)

  • unplanned dinner with april in our own private outdoor dining room
  • waking up to see the bridge
  • the house holds all of us!
  • lots and lots of late night game playing (and the freedom for me to go on to bed)

  • lane's willingness to bring the kayaks
  • that all the kayaks get hauled to and from the beach
  • that all of the folks who went kayaking came back

  • tiffany's pasta salad on the beach
  • a fresh bag of blueberry krullers for this vacation
  • being inside Christ Church
  • strong reminders (and when others make the visuals for the things i'm thinking...when someone else puts the research/numbers out there....)
  • how much caroline enjoys the beach
  • the way laura lane and emma have been playing together
  • the excellence of arrow exterminators
  • awake coffee and muffins with the best of sisters
  • when i'm just not sure what's going to be on the thankful list because i haven't been as diligent about writing things down and the camera roll provides plenty of things
  • molly and carey's willingness to help with things at everbe....what incredible friends. incredible. 
  • rainy day at the beach = amazing nap