12 April 2019

five minutes on the word of the week: dream

"Hope you have sweet dreams if you dream."  That's one of the last things I say to my kiddos as we're saying goodnight.

And often one of the first questions I ask in the morning is, "Did you have any good dreams last night?"  Most of the time they share that they didn't dream...but every now and again there will be a fun dream shared.  AND every every now and again there will be something shared that sounds like God speaking to them in their dreams -- and why wouldn't He, that's what we ask Him to do!  I wholeheartedly believe that God still speaks to us through dreams...and if anything is going on in my brain or my loved ones' brains while we're sleeping, I'd love for it to be from Him!

The present tense of that question is a good one, too.  "Do you have any good dreams right now?"  What are we dreaming about?  Dreaming for?  Do we even dream?  What's the immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine that we're asking God for? (cause that sounds like dreaming to me!)

I dream of never comparing myself to another human ever again. 
I dream of always celebrating others and their achievements rather than feeling envious or "less".
I dream of always having the right word and tone at the right time (especially with my children).
I dream of a trip to the Keys with my best friend in honor of our anniversary.
I dream of Jeannie.  Not really.  Just what popped into my head.
I dream of walking in 1000000000% security, identity, freedom and joy as His Beloved.
I dream of Cafe 2:42 being up and running as a coffee shop again.

What are you dreaming of?  Dreaming for?  Have you dreamed with God lately? 

May He give you sweet dreams...(and challenging dreams and lovely dreams and dreams that only He can make happen).