30 March 2019

Five minutes on the word of the week: Intentional

Confession: writing about this word overwhelms me because I love it so much!  I'm glad (in one way) that my task is to write for five minutes.  An essay (or doctoral thesis) is definitely what is needed.  But 5 minutes it is...so we'll just lick the tip of the tip of the iceberg.  Not even sure why that's the phrase that came to mind...never have I ever thought about licking an iceberg.  I digress...going to type faster now. 

I think "intentional" is a key to living well.  Being intentional. Living intentionally.  It's a beautiful idea...but I'm not sure how much we as humans actually practice it (I sure want to practice it more).  Unfortunately, the vast majority of things we want to happen in life don't just happen (at least that's been the case for me...maybe my life is vastly different from yours...but somehow I doubt it)(even if that's what I want to think sometimes).  What I've learned (and continue to learn) is that if I want to do something...if I want to start a new habit...if I want my kids to learn something in particular...if I want to accomplish something (big somethings and little somethings), it starts with being intentional and making a plan.  I can think in my head all day long about doing something...and thinking is good...but DOING is what gets it done. 

Being intentional in friendships.  in sending mail. in having other families over for dinner.  in spending time with my kids. in doing something special for my husband.  in learning.  If I want it to happen, I must be intentional (and not just have good intentions...what's that phrase about the road to hell and its pavement?!?).  Intentional isn't always easy...especially in the midst of laundry and schooling and social shuttling and all the various planes of life that so many of us are keeping in the air.  But we make time for the things that are important to us.  One of my least favorite phrases is when someone says that they "didn't have time for that"...nope...you didn't take/make time for that (which may be perfectly fine!  maybe you weren't supposed to take/make time for that!  but don't say you didn't have time for that. ahhh...maybe it's semantics...or maybe it's a life-altering mindset).  I've chased those bunnies far enough down that trail.....it's a lovely trail though....

So...in conclusion, being intentional is much needed, much challenging and found far too seldom in this world. And I'm not even going to find any fun graphics or quotes to go with this post. Just words.  The end.