thanksgiving thankful list
- all the thankfulness happening today
- meeting katie at the cute coffee shop in newnan
- a WHOLE DAY where i never left the house (i cannot remember the last time that happened)
- beautiful tree in the radney's yard (and the way/reason caroline captured it)
- boneless teriyaki wings (and being able to make a request)
- a husband who will do whatever he can to make any request happen
- words of Truth for Zoe Grace Cash
- the fun time nick and emma had at the museum (and the fun - not crummy! - crafts)
- the same song playing on the Truth (107.7) and the Joy (93.3) (i've been waiting for that moment)
- mcmichael road made the GPS
- the older youth that are investing in eli and caroline - they love jesus and are excellent role models
- the way the everbe embroidery is helping me appreciate our home all the more
- relevant quotes
- hearing thoughtful and responsible words coming from my nephew's mouth
- laughing through Relevant Magazine's "6 ways to have the most awkward family meal ever"
- 6 months with this precious one