19 July 2018

more and more. and more.

  • caroline is home!
  • hearing about camp
  • eli working out at camp swamp fox
  • ALL the fingerprinting is done (that we know of)
  • "the joy of it can be the point of it." - jon acuff
  • yaya's willingness to have zoe for a bit on sunday (and that she thought of that/offered)(sometimes i don't even know what i need enough to ask for it...)
  • LJ's thoughtfulness - prizes for everyone from stars and strikes
  • yaya's grass mowing

  • molly's kindness to keep kids friday - and make a pre-costa rica lunch date with my favorite date possible
  • "i am a friend of God."
  • messages from emma (and getting to talk to her and nick while they are in costa rica)
  • cleaning up and cleaning out
  • the way suzie gives a task when you ask if you can help
  • celebrating LJ's life with swimming and food and presents and such
  • the way zoe seems to take extra peaceful naps when i have lots of adoption paperwork to take care of
  • pre-birthday brownies for LJ and friends
  • multiple games of capture the flag with the gaggle of kids around (kids outside means that it's quiet inside...running around outside means they aren't on screens inside...they're working together, not fussing!)
  • seeing this out of the window - i like to imagine that eli and aaron are having a heart to heart...not sure if that's the case or if they are just guarding their flag

  • reminders of life change in waves of mercy
  • katie came for a visit.  her company...her helpfulness...her coffee...all great gifts

  • the lovely smell of coffee
  • youth social shuttle
  • birthday cake milkshake from the best of friends
  • "don't superimpose your unhappiness on other people" - ashli's facebook post