01 October 2015

you can do this.

she told us a story this morning...

...of a time in hawaii when she was running a race - and it was hot and she was tired and she was done.  ready to quit.  she didn't want to continue.  done.

... then there was a lady - a stranger she had never met before and has never seen since - who came along side her and said "you can do this.  you're not going to quit.  you're going to finish."  and the lady put ice packs on my friend's neck and soaked her hat in cold water...

and THEN...this lady walked with her - walked with her to the next check point...

and she sent her on her way to the finish line.


and her story brought tears to my eyes because it's true for me....it's true for all of us.

are you struggling?  are you running a tough race and you're exhausted? do you want to quit?  are you done?

there IS refreshment and encouragement for you:

Don't give up!  You can do this!  You are strong!  You're going to make it!

Or maybe you're the one on the side that notices the weary...the one that comes alongside and says - in word and in action - "you've got this. you're not going to quit.  you're going to finish."

maybe YOU are the refreshment and encouragement God has in store for a weary soul....

...the exhausted mom with grumpy little ones at the grocery store
...the unkempt man with sad & distant eyes asking for a little help
...the business man who just can't seem to catch a break
...the lovely single girl in your life that longs to be married
...the family struggling with sickness or loss
...the lonely lady down the street
...the 20/30/40/50 something whose life doesn't look quite how she imagined it would

be brave.  whether you're the one running or the one coming alongside....be brave.

you can do this.  
you're not going to quit.  
you're going to finish - and you're going to finish well.