28 April 2014

'cause quotes are fun for sharing

Here are a few quotes from the book I just finished.  I read it in honor of my friend Courtney....she loves Christian Fiction as much as I do (wink, wink).

from Beneath A Harvest Sky by Tracie Peterson

"...if you intend to be miserable, you will be.  If you decide to be happy, then you'll find a way to achieve that.  You seem determined to be miserable no matter what takes place, so you are welcome to it.  Just don't expect the company to love misery."

"...funny how water didn't seem all that important when there was plenty of it."

"I've learned from past experience that the sooner I deal with a grievance, the sooner I recover my life.  The longer I let the matter remain in turmoil and bitterness, the more time I lose."

And a picture that has nothing to do with the quotes but it's good: