15 December 2010

this week's favorite quotes

"Lord, help me to understand, appreciate and marvel at this incredible creation you have loaned me."

from an article by max lucado "giving our kids to God":
"before they were yours, they were His. even as they are yours, they are still His."

"we can be loyal advocates, stubborn intercessors. we can take our parenting fears to Christ. in fact, if we don't, we'll take our fears out on our kids."

"prayer is the saucer into which parental fears are poured to cool. Jesus says so little about parenting - no comments about spanking, breastfeeding, sibling rivalry or schooling. yet His actions speak volumes about prayer. each time a parent prays, Christ responds. His key message to moms and dads? bring your children to Me."

from some articles on adoption:
"adoption is a process of falling in love, and falling in love is beautiful and difficult"

"...i'm dealing not so much with defiance in need of discipline but pain in need of healing."

"...begin creating space for (coming child) in our lives through conversations, stories, pictures and prayer."

"we couldn't offer perfection but we could offer a home."

post time: 1:56pm