22 September 2010

Anne of Green Gables Quotes

in honor of my precious friend Carey who left for France yesterday, i'm sharing my favorite "Anne of Green Gables" quotes. i just finished the book....it was delightful. i highly recommend it.

"all things great are wound up with all things little."

"i make so many mistakes. but then think of all the mistakes i don't make, although i might...."

"...i assure you, marilla, thta i feel like praying tonite and i'm going to think out a special brand-new prayer in honour of the occasion."

"we can have things perfect in this imperfect world."

"i don't see the use of meeting trouble halfway, do you, marilla? i think it would be better just to enjoy mr. allan while we have him."

"i don't know....i don't want to talk as much, " she said..."it's nice to think dear pretty thoughts and keep them in one's heart, like treasures. i don't like to have them laughed at or wondered over."

"as mrs. lynde says 'if you can't be cheerful, be as cheerful as you can.'"