a bit of what He's pouring out...
- new package of flair pens!
- guests in everbe cottage
- lapful of kitties
- "we cannot contain what You pour out." He's so generous.
- sharp knives - wow...didn't know what i'd been missing
- fireworks and friends for new year's eve
- the chance to help nick with projects
- lots and lots of time with Emma
- good reminder:
- "do what makes you the most healthy, loving version of yourself." - maria goff
- "i have a lot less than i did...but i still have plenty." - emma's comment after cleaning up/out her room
- organization and labels
- yaya's willingness to pinch hit and clean between cottage guests while we went to warrenton
- day trip to warrenton - celebrating MaMa, papa's fried chicken, GA game
- free movie at the Infantry Museum