27 April 2017

always more. always.

  • reading about a potential malaria vaccine
  • cherry coke with krissy (she even brought ice!)
  • oh, this guy.  he's special. 
  • treats from katie via peach
  • febreeze trashbags
  • people who go above and beyond and create glitter balloons

  • josh mcgrath's willingness to coordinate and lead sports club
  • early morning latte...with a perfectly timed song to boot
  • excellent salad making...those who serve behind the scenes 
  • when a process is easy and someone is hugely blessed because of it
  • time with jasmine (and the by-product of a hair cut and fresh - though subtle - purple)
  • special moments for dads and daughters
  • brownies with chocolate chips
  • sweet braids in cash girls' hair (and the reminder that God gives us the abilities that we need when we need them)
  • the remarkable people my kids get to have conversations with

  • hearing about nearly 700,000 kids who were given measles vaccinations in conakry, guinea.  
  • that nick gets to enjoy watching so much football (channel that pretty much always have football on)
  • walking with windsor on wednesday mornings (didn't even realize the beauty of the alliteration that was happening)