rejoicing and being glad in it.
- shooting basketball with Martha (and God’s kind timing)
- quick responses. drills pay off.
- spiritual life conference - songs shared, Truth taught, gems noted.
- Dave thinking to bring the flags down for Ally & Amy's departure (that seemed to help emma out a bit)
- Ally & Amy
- cookie butter.
- “my heart’s desire is to know You more…to be known by you and known as yours.”
- subbing for the entire elementary wasn't too traumatic (for the kids or for me)
- palm branches are here!
- Miss Myriam’s creative history lesson/jabulani day outfit
- celebrating our engage-aversary
- Miss Michelle’s investments into our lives
- ideas for the daddy/daughter dinner and dance
- reading a good book (having a good book to read...and the time to read it)
- Llllion card
- emma's first unofficial guitar lesson with nick
- 4 Saturdays for the kids
- phenomenal day at hotel du port