raising ebenezers all over the place.
- "...the most important thing God could give them...to know Him better." - Tim Keller "Prayer"
- date night childcare always works out
- help for smelly clothes (thanks to whoever put this outside of our cabin!)
- solomon's help cutting out paper rocks for ebeneezer activity
- kind, kind email from emelia
- friday evening frisbee
- they know our order at shamiana
- the box michelle murrey sent...thoughtful generosity = beautiful
- chocolate from lisa svatek
- looking through pictures on the share drive...remembering God's faithfulness in benin
- eli's help with the powerpoint
- transition ladders & an expert in transition on the ship
- that life is about more than packages/luggage making it where they are supposed to go.
- real mail from kirsten murphy
- those who are up before the sun serving (and who happen to be excellent public speakers. wow, tom, wow.)