19 September 2014

5 minutes on the word of the week: priorities

5 minutes on the word "Priorities." Go.

Set them.  Set them intentionally or you’ll end up with some unintentionally. 

I was having a conversation with a friend and he shared that his priorities for this season are 1)God 2)His work/co-workers 3)the youth/youth leaders.  It was refreshing to hear someone be able to state so clearly who/what they are to be investing in.  I said something brilliant back to him in response…but now I can’t remember what it was.  Oh well.  Guess it was only for him. 

When we set our priorities we can then see what isn’t on the list…what is NOT priority.  And then it’s a bit easier to call them out for what they are – things that are TRYING to press in and take over but, in reality, they AREN’T THAT IMPORTANT (or they aren't what we're supposed to be focusing on at the moment) …they are things that can wait and, in alot of those cases, we can begin to recognize that those things are more preferences than priorities.

Big broad priorities (in a very particular order):  God, my husband, my children, my community
Preferences (in no particular order): naps, cherry coke, cleanliness, being on time

If the preferences start becoming priorities, we’ve got issues…addictions….problems.  If the priorities start getting out of order (particularly if nick, our children or the community) start coming before my relationship with God, I’ve created idols and am actively worshipping them. 

Sometimes we have to actively choose in the moment to keep those priorities in order….other times it just happens because of the life decisions we’ve made. 

Random real life example:  ever since Eli was born, I’ve tried to spend my time alone with God during my children’s afternoon naptime – pretty soon after lunch they nap/rest/play quietly in their room and I give God my full attention.  There have been plenty of times where I have had to CHOOSE to ignore the dishes in the sink, the pile of clothes to be folded, the stack of papers to be sorted, the emails that need to be responded to, the ___________ that is screaming at me to get done (fill in with any number of chores/tasks! it's almost amusing what comes up as a distraction).  I can’t say that I’ve always chosen well – unfortunately there have been a number of days when I thought I needed to “just check one email first” or “just do this one chore”….and then, before I know it, the kids are up and I’ve ended up wasting the entire time NOT giving God my full attention.   Why would I ever choose to wash dishes when my Savior is sitting on the couch waiting to have a conversation with me?!

Time’s up…but this doesn’t feel done.  Oh well.  Stick to the rules. Rule keeping...priority or preference?!