12 September 2014

5 minutes on the word of the week: balance...


We totter precariously on the beam…arms straight out, trying to steady ourselves…trying so hard – so desperately hard - not to fall off.  That’s the picture that comes to mind when I hear the word “balance.”

I was walking with a wise lady around our beloved (and much missed) Lakebottom Park.  She said – or maybe it was just that I heard – “this ‘balance’ that everyone talks about really isn’t possible.”  This was way back when – way back before I learned the art of the ever so helpful “what do you mean by that?” follow up question.  How I wish I’d asked what she meant by that.  I’m still not certain that I heard her correctly….but it’s stuck with me…and I’ve often wondered if balance is possible.  Are we ever really balanced? Lined up just right so that we don’t topple over.  Do we ever get just the right mix of strict and fun with our children?  Work and play?  Do we ever truly find the balance in our schedules? In our eating habits?  Do we ever get the scale to level out as we sort through taking time for ourselves and investing in others?   Balance.  How much is too much?  When is it not enough? 

Sometimes balance feels like the moment before it all comes crashing. 

I suppose the good news is that even if we lose our balance, we’re assured of grace upon grace upon grace upon grace to get back up and try again.  And maybe the picture needs to include our amazing Father of a Coach who is standing right by the beam – holding our hand, cheering us on, not expecting perfection…just wanting us to try…just wanting us to enjoy the time with Him…or maybe He’s saying “why don’t you get off that balance beam and come play on the uneven bars for a while?” or “come run and do cartwheels with Me on the mats….”