17 February 2014

flipping it around. such love.

i really like worship...i really like connecting with God...i really like hearing from Him...i really like knowing that He's hearing from me....i really like writing sentences like a 1st grader....incorrect capitalization...incorrect punctuation...multiple sentences that start in the exact same way.  i'll continue.

last night was an "all worship" sunday night gathering....i liked it.  what i really liked was the way God kept "flipping" things on me...i wrote out a phrase in my journal - and He turned it back around on me....and then i wrote out another phrase and He did it again (and then again!).  each time it surprised me.

because this blog is all about trusting and obeying (did you know that's what "obsequiumfidei"means?)(did you also know that i don't know how to spell that?  so i can never really tell people my blog address...i always have to look it up)...ANYWAY...as an act of trusting and obeying, here are some glimpses into my journal...

i wrote: "here i am...ready to worship...ready to give...ready to receive...to be with You in every possible way."

His response: here I am...ready for worship...ready to give...ready to receive...to be with you, dianna, in every possible way.

i wrote: ...wanting all that You have...

His response: I want all that YOU have, dianna...and I'm here to give you ALL of me...I've given all of me for you.  

i wrote:  more of you, God...i want more of you.

His response: more of you, dianna...I want more of you....

His loving kindness amazes me.  i'm overwhelmed by how much He loves us - how much He wants us...in awe that He knows my name and calls me by it...grateful that He is willing to speak in ways that i can hear....praying that i'll listen more and more closely...