full of thanks.
- community meeting
- wes stafford's life
- the encouragement he brought to our crew
- nice time at twiga with our family (+1 friend per child)
- fun time on deck 8...skateboarding lessons, rollerblading, sunset
- straight cabin (for the moment)
- how God tells us what to say/share if we just ask Him
- hot water is working again!
- walking around reading about an incredible man
- time to sit and be still
- the plan is that we're going back to guinea!
- everything was working properly in the cafe
- ships that remind me to pray for friends (this is the hawk family's)
- bag of goodies from the cheng family...what thoughtfulness!
- thank you notes written by the pool
- we DID end up getting something on the holland container - thanks to erin's thoughtfulness
- successful teeth cleaning for emma. all smiles!!
- peaceful teeth filling for eli.
- animals zip-lining through the cabin
- when the kids make really fun forts (and when they sing in them is even better!)
- knowing that toni and suzanne are resting in key west.
- lovely little book (anything using the word "culled" on the title page has got to be special)(not quite sure of the title...it's not really about sympathy at all....)
- honest and forthright communication
- meaningful conversations
- amusing turkeys. this just makes me laugh.
- the youth's responses to questions about furniture/ideas for the youth room
- reading through our monthly donor report to find gifts that we weren't expecting and hadn't heard about yet.
- emma's contentment to peacefully "craft" for a long time (and the "crafts" she produced!)