27 January 2014

ruthless trust, part 6

last post with ruthless trust quotes. (am i hearing sighs of relief or sighs of wishing for more?!) i can't recommend this book enough....here are the bits that stood out to me from chapters 11 and 12.  no more quote posts for a while after this one (unless i read another really great book worth sharing!).  

The music of what is happening can be heard only in the present moment, right now, right here.

Now/here spells nowhere.  To be fully present to whoever or whatever is immediately before us is to pitch a tent in the wilderness of Nowhere. 

Self-forgetfulness is a prerequisite for truly being in the now.

Presence to the present.

Stay right here, right now.

Being in the now removes us from the endless and fruitless self-analysis.  In the absence of self-observation, guilt and shame mysteriously disappear.

Calm foresight regarding future engagements and appointments is responsible behavior, so long as it is not a compulsive escape from Nowhere

…attach myself to nothing but the will of God alone.

The will of God is the love of God.

We simply ask for a the grace to set a time limit on our self-pity.

Routinely performing hidden, secret acts of kindness that no one will ever know about, confident that “your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you.”

Is it possible that each time we stumble, fall and rise again, God can barely bear the bliss of it all? – Jim Finley

The mysterious love of God is fierce enough to penetrate even those who think that they cannot receive it.

Ruthless trust is the courageous confidence that despite suffering and evil, terrorism and domestic conflict, God’s plan in Jesus Christ cannot fail.

You will trust him to the degree that you know you are loved by Him.

God is with us and loves us in our struggle to be faithful.