confession (and thankfulness)
i must confess...part of me didn't want to post my thankful list for the week....there's a little something in me that doesn't like to do what everyone else is doing - and knowing that millions were making their own "thankful lists" today sort of made me not want to share mine....but that's just wrong. terrible reasoning. thankful thursday list....
- guys playing games in our home
- birthday coffee/treat with steph & remy
- getting to wear my rain jacket (well, it's just my jacket...but i wore it because of the rain not because of the cold...)(it's the first time i've worn it in a year and a half!!)
- talking to my sister
- unexpected cancelled meeting (i love the space that it freed up)
- emma's cuteness with the ukelele (wish you could have heard her playing and singing...but she was not allowing videoing)
- doritos
- pontificating and solving all the world's problems every Tuesday and Thursday between 6:00 and 6:45am.
- sitting mindlessly at the Atlantic Palace (quite palace-like indeed)
- caramel macchiato that's still good 6 hours later (that usually doesn't happen)
- amy kay - a lady worth celebrating. so glad she had another birthday! :)
- africa is rubbing off on our children (or at least carrying babies on one's back is rubbing off on one of them)
- amazing french press instructions (and the fact that the instructions were typed out in the first place)
- anytime any of our children sleep past 8:00
- jess bezaidenhout's heart and passion (i still don't know how to say her last name)
- listening to eli sing (crouched outside of his door, unbeknowst to him)
- "mama, the barbie on the game is dressed modest." -emma (as she was requesting to watch her friend gracie play a barbie game on some handheld device....i'm thankful that our 3 year old already has modesty as a part of her vocabulary)
- thinking of my family gathered at the cabin (thankful for that picture...and the memories from years past!)
- nick's pie crust making abilities (and his willingness to take on pretty much any task and achieve success)