so many gifts along the way.
- andrea diallo's smile
- delicious thanksgiving meal (it may not look like much but it was AMAZING)
- special thanksgiving celebration
- dessert table (this was only about 1/4 of it...i took the picture a little early)
- perfect cup of pressed pumpkin spice coffee
- listening to caroline & emma sing in dutch
- pajama day at school (it's amazing how easy it is to get kids out the door when getting dressed and fixing hair isn't involved)
- this picture: (it just makes me laugh)
- the way nick speaks God's Truth
- i successfully ordered lunch in french (and that, my friends, is the extent of my french speaking abilities)
- amy moser's willingness to watch emma for a few minutes (last minute!)
- "walk with me along paths of peace; enjoy the journey in my presence." - jesus calling
- caroline's plastic bag juggling skills
- finding the right words/approach with caroline and her major meltdown
- package from the edfeldts!
- delightful date night...sunset, popcorn, cold coke, best friend, laughing at crabs scuttling about...
- the kids' excitement about decorating for christmas (and their willingness to straighten up the cabin so that the decorating could happen!)
- spreading out the opening of gifts over the entire month (round one: the Smiths from Texas!)
- "use all Your skill to put me together; i wait to see Your finished product." - psalm 25:21. i am a work in progress...
- "God's almost done healing my knee!" - emma
- playing the "ha!" game at lunch (and the laughter that ensued)
- lovely and precious note from scotland (my first mail to come through the Dutch Mercy Ships' Office!)